Ltd guide Learning to Drive A Guide for Parents Courtesy of Drivers com CCourtesy of Drivers com CWhat ? s involved for you the parent Learning to drive is a major turning point in the lives of teenagers and their parents Getting a driver ? s license is o

Learning to Drive A Guide for Parents Courtesy of Drivers com CCourtesy of Drivers com CWhat ? s involved for you the parent Learning to drive is a major turning point in the lives of teenagers and their parents Getting a driver ? s license is one of the important rites of passage to adulthood for the young new driver ?? and it ? s certainly a dangerous one A wise parent will seek the help of reliable professionals in preparing the teen for the complex world of the automobile and tra ?c It ? s not enough for today ? s teenagers to learn like their parents did The driving world they enter is far too intense to tackle without serious preparation The cost of driving the risks the pressures all speak to the need for a welltrained and educated driver It ? s not enough just to get by any more Driving is not something to learn by trial and error It involves skill knowledge and above all habits that need to be carefully shaped As a parent you are the one who cares the most about your teenager ? s driving ability and safety This booklet is designed to help you participate in the process of educating your teenager behind the wheel It will give you insights into the skills and knowledge that the best professional instructors have accumulated over years of teaching It will inform you about the pitfalls lying in wait for the amateur instructor during the early stages of learning about the defensive strategies taught in modern driving courses and about the need to follow up after licensing and ensure that your teen continues to develop defensive driving skills and safe habits Remember getting a driver ? s license is not the end of learning to drive The ?rst six months after licensing are critical to the shaping of safe habits and these along with attitudes are far more important than a high degree of knowledge or skill Courtesy of Drivers com C Learning to Drive Going on the road Many a tragic accident has resulted from parents unwittingly allowing their teens to get into driving situations for which they were not properly prepared Often the beginner appears con ?dent and in control but in reality is simply getting by ?? as long as nothing unusual happens A sudden change in conditions could easily cause panic The skilled professional driving instructor learns to anticipate such problems and knows how to deal with them An inexperienced co-driver such as a parent or a friend can easily be caught unawares with potentially disastrous consequences If possible leave your teen ? s ?rst on-the-road experience to the care of a professional Experience know-how and dual controls make a big di ?erence and it ? s nice to get o ? to a good start Passing the driving test Driver examiners want license applicants to show that they know the rules have reasonable control over the car and

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