Maurice blanchot jacques derrida the instant of b ok xyz pdf
Translated by Elizabeth Rottenbcrg Stanfbrd University Press Stanford Cali ornia CTHE INSTANT OF MY DEATH Maurice Blane ? Jot DEMEURE FICTION AND TESTIMONY acques Derrida CSupport for the translation was provided by the French Ministry of Culture Originally published in French as for The Instant ofMy Death in Maurice Blanchot l 'instant de ma mart by Fata Morgana ? Fata Morgana Reproduced by permission of Fata Morgana for Demeure Fiction and Téstirnony in Jacques Derrida Demeunr Maurice Blanc tot by Editions Galilee ? Editions Galilee Stanford University Press Stanford California ? by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford junior University Printed in the United States of America CIP data appear at the end of the book - ? ' C cc L ? CContents ? THE INSTANT or MY DEATH Maurice Blanchot ? DEMEURE FICTION AND TESTIMONY Jacques Derrida Reading ??beyond the beginning ? or On the Venom in Letters Postscript and ??Literary Supplement ? Note C CTHE INSTANT OF MY DEATH Maurice B zmc Jot C ? L ? instant de ma mort JE ME SOUVIENS d'un jeune homme ??un homme encore jeune ??empéché dc mourir par la mort méme ??et peut-étre l'erreur de l ? injustice Les Alliés avaient réussi prendre pied sur le sol frangais Les Allemands déja vaincus luttaient en vain avec une inutile férocité Dans une grande maison le Chateau disait-on on Frappa a la porte plutot timidement Je sais que le jeune homme vint ouvrir a des hotes qui sans doute demandaient secours Cette fois hurlement ??Tous dehors ? Un lieutenant nazi dans un frangais honteusement normal ?t sortir d'abord les personnes les plus zigées puis deux jeunes femmes ??Dehors dehors Cette fois il hurlait Le jeune homme ne cherchait pourtant pas a fuir mais avangait lentement d'une maniere presque sacerdotale Le lieutenant le secoua lui montra des douilles des balles il y avait eu manifestement combat le sol était un sol guerrier Le lieutenant s ? e'trangla dans un langage bizarre et met- C ? The Instant of My Death I REMEMBER a young man ??a man still young ?? prevented from dying by death itself ??and perhaps the error of injustice The Allies had succeeded in getting a foothold on French soil The Germans already vanquished were struggling in vain with useless ferocity In a large house the Chateau it was called someone knocked at the door rather timidly I know that the young man came to open the door to guests who were presumably asking for help This time a howl ??Everyone outside ? A Nazi lieutenant in shamefully normal French made the oldest people exit ?rst and then two young women ??Outside outside This time he was howling The young man however did not try to ee but advanced slowly in an almost priestly manner The lieutenant shook him showed him the casings bullets there had ob- viously been lighting the soil was a war soil The lieutenant choked in a bizarre language And put- ting the casings
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- Publié le Dec 25, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 297kB