Michael seidman l x27 etrange histoire du livre quot ouvriers contre le travail quot
Michael Seidman L ? Etrange Histoire de Ouvriers contre le travail ? Les vicissitudes d ? un livre The Strange History of Workers against Work ? The Vicissitudes of a Book C The author wishes to thank UNCW History Department ? s Faculty Friday Seminar ??especially its organizer Mark Spaulding ??and the Triangle Area French Cultural Studies Seminar convened by Jim Winders and Don Reid for their own and their groups ? comments and questions on previous versions of this essay L ET ME WARN THE READER that the following essay may be judged overly autobiographical and self-referential Historians nearly always write about other people ? s lives not their own I justify my somewhat self- indulgent focus because it may throw some light on the conditions of intellectual and professional production as well as reception The essay also attempts to revisit aspects of labor history and its relation to theory from the s to the present Finally it will explore the little known but intellectually active milieu of the French extreme left during the same period My ?rst book Workers against Work Labor in Barcelona and Paris during the Popular Fronts WaW is a scholarly monograph with I believe a unique history Since its publication by the University of California Press in it has been reviled and revered praised and pirated trashed and translated into ?ve languages Its admirers have been academics libertarians communists and capitalists its detractors nearly equally heterogeneous WaW originated as a dissertation which was completed in under the supervision of Arthur Mitzman of the University of Amsterdam Its conceptualization was in uenced ?? but not completely determined ?? by the post- ??critique of work ? that I absorbed when I lived in Paris from to At that time I became acquainted with a number of French people who rede ?ned the future revolution simply as not laboring for wages Their position recalled the nineteenth-century socialist demand ?? articulated by both Marxists and anarchists ?? for the abolition of wage labor More pragmatically to survive in an ?? THE STRANGE HISTORY OF WORKERS AGAINST WORK ? L ? auteur souhaite remercier le séminaire du vendredi du département d ? histoire de l ? Université de Caroline du Nord à Wilmington UNCW en particulier son animateur Mark Spaulding et le séminaire des études culturelles françaises du Triangle organisé par Jim Winders et Don Reid pour leurs commentaires individuels et collectifs ainsi que pour leurs questions concernant des versions antérieures de cet essai J E DOIS AVERTIR LE LECTEUR que l ? essai qui suit pourra lui para? tre exagérément autobiographique et faire trop référence à ma personne Les historiens écrivent presque toujours sur la vie des autres non sur la leur Cette focalisation quelque peu complaisante sur moi-même se justi ?e à mon avis par les éclaircissements qu ? elle est susceptible d ? apporter sur les circonstances d ? une production intellectuelle et professionnelle et de sa réception Cet essai aborde en outre certains aspects de
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- Publié le Jan 04, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 177kB