Msa elections guide MSA ELECTIONS GUIDE CIMPORTANT DATES FEBRUARY th Nomination process begins MARCH th Nomination Period ends MARCH th Application Forms and Bios due MARCH th Membership deadline You must have paid the membership dues to run for any posit

MSA ELECTIONS GUIDE CIMPORTANT DATES FEBRUARY th Nomination process begins MARCH th Nomination Period ends MARCH th Application Forms and Bios due MARCH th Membership deadline You must have paid the membership dues to run for any position - You must also plan on being OSU student for the entire term MARCH th Candidates come to Executive Board Meeting MARCH st Meet the Candidate ? s Session MARCH th Election Day Winners will be announced this day as well CREMINDERS You have two weeks to nominate yourself or any member you feel suitable for a speci ?c position You may nominate yourself or someone else for as many positions as you wish but you can only run for one position A link to the nomination page will be made available through msa emails facebook twitter and the website ANY FORM OF CAMPAIGNING CANNOT BEGIN UNTIL ELECTION ? S COMMITTEE HAS APPPROVED YOUR NOMINATION CBOARD POSITIONS CO -PRESIDENT PRESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY EDUCATION CHAIR OUTREACH CHAIR M F SOCIAL CHAIRS M F MARKETING CHAIR IT CHAIR EX-OFFICIO PREVIOUS BOARD MEMBERS ONLY CCO -PRESIDENTS PRESIDENT Oversee the performance of all executive board members to ensure that constitutional requirements and duties are ful ?lled - Serve as the o ?cial spokesperson s of the organization in all meetings interviews and interactions with other organizations individuals and institutions both within The Ohio State University and externally - Be responsible for conducting all meetings of the MSA-OSU executive board - Ensure that con icts potential or realized internal or external to the organization do not jeopardize the existence or functioning of MSA-OSU - Maintain cohesive executive board relations engage in con ict resolution when needed - Be responsible for convening and overseeing strategic planning meetings to decide upon and organize the yearly events throughout the year - Work with the treasurer to guarantee su ?cicent funds are maintained so as to properly fund and facilitate the execution of MSA- OSU ? s events and hav the authority to be a cosgner on all checks and ?nancial transactions - Register MSA with the Union - Must oversee ad- hoc committees - Must delegate major event roles and follow-up to make sure the tasks and duties are ful ?lled - Male Co-President must be trained as a Khatib and serve as alternate Khatib He will also be responsible for coordinating Jummah Prayers - Male Co-President shall serve as male intermediary when necessary - Female Co-President shall serve as female intermediary when necessary CTREASURER Responsible for maintaining the credit card checking and savings accounts and the PayPal account ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Maintains all documentation and receipts of incoming and outgoing funds from MSAOSU accounts a ledger of transactions Shall have the authority to be a co-signer on all checks and ?nancial transactions Works to guarantee su ?cient funds are maintained and minimized Facilitates the execution of MSA-OSU ? s events by requesting funds through CSA and alternate sources of funding Responsible for the audits of

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