Muni guide 1 MUNI UNIVERSITY INFORMATION GUIDE PROGRAMMES ? BROCHURE Muni University P O Box Arua Uganda Tel Fax Email ar muni ac ug Web www muni ac ug CBACKGROUND Muni University is the sixth Government University established by Statutory Instrument No T

MUNI UNIVERSITY INFORMATION GUIDE PROGRAMMES ? BROCHURE Muni University P O Box Arua Uganda Tel Fax Email ar muni ac ug Web www muni ac ug CBACKGROUND Muni University is the sixth Government University established by Statutory Instrument No The University is located at Muni Hill in Arua District West Nile Region approximately km south of Arua Town Vision ??A model University of transformation and development ? Mission ??To provide quality education generate knowledge promote innovation and community empowerment for transformation ? CACADEMIC PROGRAMMES The following NCHE accredited programmes are o ?ered at Muni University Bachelor of Science in Information Technology years Bachelor of Information Systems years Bachelor of Science with Education Years Biological Physical options Bachelor of Nursing Science years SPONSORSHIP Government Sponsorship Scheme Muni University admits students on Government sponsorship every Academic year intake Private Sponsorship Scheme CSTUDENT LOAN SCHEME The following programmes are supported under the Student Loan Scheme Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Science with Education Bachelor of Nursing Science Bachelor of Information Systems Math Physics LEARNING EXPERIENCE The main campus boasts of a quiet and tranquil campus environment conducive for learning Muni University uses Blended learning methods where face-to-face interaction is combined with online learning Students enjoy unlimited Wi-Fi internet connectivity in and around campus and use of Kindle Readers to access library e-resources CISCO ACADEMY Muni University has an accredited Cisco Academy Short term courses o ?ered under the Academy are i Cisco Certi ?ed Network Associate CCNA ii Cisco IT Essentials CITE and iii International Computer Driving License ICDL CCCNA course helps to build the necessary foundational knowledge required for job roles such as network engineer network specialist or network administrator IT Essentials on the other hand prepares students with the necessary skills to become an IT Technician STUDENTS AFFAIRS The Of ?ce of Dean of Students oversees and takes special interest all students ? a ?airs including Students Guild Spiritual welfare Counseling and Guidance services Sports and recreation and Accommodation RESEARCH AGENDA The overall research goal is to engage in quality and innovative research and knowledge development and management CPROGRAMS ? MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Direct Entry Scheme UACE At least two principal passes at U A C E obtained at the same sitting with at least ?ve passes at U C E or its equivalent Diploma Entry Scheme At least a Second Class or Credit Diploma from a recognized institution relevant to the programme applied for Note In addition to the minimum entry requirements there are speci ?c requirement for each programme which candidates must ful ?ll before they are admitted to the programme ADVERT FOR INTAKE The Academic Registrar hereby invites applications for the Academic Year under i Private sponsorship scheme Direct entry applicants NOTE The Closing date for submission of completed application forms is th May HOW TO APPLY Application Forms are obtained from and returned to i Of ?ce of the Academic Registrar Muni University in Arua iii Downloaded online at www muni ac ug and

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