To radiators the guide Rettig Belgium NV Vogelsancklaan B- Zonhoven Tel Fax info radson com www radson com Every care has been taken in the creation of this document No part of this document may produced without the express written consent of Rettig ICC R

Rettig Belgium NV Vogelsancklaan B- Zonhoven Tel Fax info radson com www radson com Every care has been taken in the creation of this document No part of this document may produced without the express written consent of Rettig ICC Rettig ICC accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or consequences arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein DM - the guide to radiators FOR low temperature heating systems The guide to radiators for low temperature heating why this guide Why this guide This guide aims to give an overview of low temperature heating systems their bene ?ts use and overall contribution to lowered energy use across Europe It contains contributions from a number of academics and opinion leaders in our industry and includes detailed research into the use of radiators in energy e ?cient heating systems The guide is intended for use by wholesalers installers and planners to help with making informed decisions about the choice of heat emitters in new builds and refurbished houses turning energy into e ?ciency Why this guide Contents A Interview with Mikko Iivonen It ? s time to change our way of thinking How insulation in uences heating e ?ciency B Interview with Professor Christer Harryson The increasing use of low temperature water systems C Interview with Professor Dr Jarek Kurnitski Signi ?cant proof Choosing a heat emitter D Interview with Elo Dhaene Bene ?ts to the end user INDEX M Sc Tech Mikko Iivonen Director R D Research and Technical Standards Rettig ICC interview with mikko Iivonen A I turn ?gures into results As Director of R D Research and Technical Standards in Rettig ICC I am responsible for providing all our markets with new answers insights innovations products and results All our e ?orts are based on realistic and independent research conducted in close co-operation with leading industry ?gures and academics This has recently included Prof Dr Leen Peeters University of Brussels - Belgium Prof Christer Harrysson ? rebro University - Sweden Prof Dr Jarek Kurnitski Helsinki University of Technology - Finland Dr Dietrich Schmidt Fraunhofer Institut ?? Germany and many others With their help research and insight I turn ?gures into results Clever heating solutions It is possible to save up to on energy By investing heavily in research and development we live up to our promise to provide you with clever heating solutions Solutions that make a real di ?erence in terms of cost comfort indoor climate and energy consumption Solutions that make it possible to save up to on energy With that in mind I would like to share with you the results of an extensive one-year measurement study conducted by Professor Harrysson The study involved large and small Swedish family houses and shows that the heating energy consumption of under oor-heated buildings is - higher than in radiator-heated buildings That ? s not surprising but it also shows that the increased energy e ?ciency of modern buildings has once again put low temperature heating

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