Kannel user guide Kannel User ? s Guide Open Source WAP and SMS gateway Andreas Fink Chairman CTO Global Networks Inc andreas ?nk org http www smsrelay com http www gni ch Bruno Rodrigues bruno rodrigues litux org http litux org bruno Stipe Tolj System Ar

Kannel User ? s Guide Open Source WAP and SMS gateway Andreas Fink Chairman CTO Global Networks Inc andreas ?nk org http www smsrelay com http www gni ch Bruno Rodrigues bruno rodrigues litux org http litux org bruno Stipe Tolj System Architect Tolj System Architecture stolj kannel org Chttp www kannel org Aarno Syv? nen Chief MMS Developer Global Networks Inc as gni ch http www gni ch Alexander Malysh Developer GTX Ltd amalysh at kannel org http www gtx-messaging com Lars Wirzenius Gateway architect former Wapit Ltd Kalle Marjola Senior Software Engineer Enpocket marjola enpocket com http www enpocket com CKannel User ? s Guide Open Source WAP and SMS gateway by Andreas Fink Bruno Rodrigues Stipe Tolj Aarno Syv? nen Alexander Malysh Lars Wirzenius and Kalle Marjola Abstract This document describes how to install and use Kannel the Open Source WAP and SMS Gateway originally developed by Wapit Ltd now out of business and now being developed further by the open source community namely the Kannel Group Revision History Revision CTable of Contents Introduction Overview of WAP Overview of WAP Push Overview of SMS Features WAP WAP Push SMS Requirements Installing the gateway Getting the source code Finding the documentation Compiling the gateway Installing the gateway Using pre-compiled binary packages Installing Kannel from RPM packages Installing Kannel from DEB packages Using the gateway Con ?guring the gateway Con ?guration ?le syntax Inclusion of con ?guration ?les Core con ?guration Running Kannel Starting the gateway Command line options Kannel statuses HTTP administration Setting up a WAP gateway WAP gateway con ?guration Wapbox group Running WAP gateway Checking whether the WAP gateway is alive Setting up MSISDN provisioning for WAP gateway RADIUS accounting proxy con ?guration RADIUS -Acct con ?guration Using the MSISDN provisioning on HTTP server side Setting up a SMS Gateway Required components SMS gateway con ?guration SMS centers Nokia CIMD and CMG UCP EMI and SMPP Sema Group SMS OIS and iv CSM ASI for CriticalPath InVoke SMS Center x GSM modem Fake SMSC HTTP-based relay and content gateways MT to MO direction switching Using multiple SMS centers Feature checklist External delivery report DLR storage Internal DLR storage MySQL DLR storage MySQL connection con ?guration LibSDB DLR storage Oracle i i DLR storage PostgreSQL DLR storage DLR database ?eld con ?guration SMSBox con ?guration Smsbox group Smsbox routing inside bearerbox SMS -service con ?gurations How sms-service interprets the HTTP response Extended headers Kannel POST XML Post SendSMS -user con ?gurations Over-The-Air con ?gurations Setting up more complex services Redirected replies Setting up operator speci ?c services Setting up multi- operator Kannel Running SMS gateway Using the HTTP interface to send SMS messages Using the HTTP interface to send OTA con ?guration messages OTA settings and bookmark documents OTA syncsettings documents OMA provisioning content GET method for the OTA HTTP interface Setting up Push Proxy Gateway Con ?guring ppg core group for push initiator PI interface Con ?guring PPG user group variables Finishing ppg con ?guration Running

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  • Publié le Dec 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 360.7kB