Possibly oriental elements in slavonic f pdf
ESSAYS IN THE HISTORY OF LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS Dedicated to Marek Stachowski on the occasion of his th birthday Edited by Micha Németh Barbara Podolak Mateusz Urban Kraków Reviewers Jens Peter Laut University of G? ttingen Georges Pinault École pratique des hautes études Paris Edited and proofread by Micha Németh Barbara Podolak and Mateusz Urban with the assistance of Tomasz Majtczak Dariusz Piwowarczyk and Kamil Stachowski Laid out and typeset by Kamil Stachowski Final proofreading by Tomasz Babnis The tugra by Kamil Stachowski consulted with Dariusz Ko odziejczyk reads Marek bin Istanislas el-hakim daima Copyright ? by M Németh B Podolak M Urban and the individual authors All rights reserved ISBN - - - - Ksi garnia Akademicka Sp z o o ul ?w Anny - Kraków Poland tel fax akademicka akademicka pl TABLE OF CONTENTS Micha Németh Kraków Mainz Professor Marek Stachowski ? s evolving academic pro ?le over the years ?? Micha Németh Kraków Mainz An indexed bibliography of the works of Marek Stac hows ki cov- ering the years ?? José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente Barcelona From converb to classi ?er On the etymology of Literary Manchu no ? Zbigniew Babik Kraków Is the prosody of Slavic pergy i really not reconstructible Uwe Bl? sing Leiden Yerevan Ortsnamen aus Artvin ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? Sprachlich-kul- turelle Berührungen an der türkisch-georgischen Grenze Vít Bo ?ek Brno Church Slavonic v ?skopysn ti and zaskopiv ? ?? ??zas kopije John Considine Edmonton Wedgwood ? s Contested Etymologies Andrii Danylenko New York On the names of Ruthenia in early modern Poland-Lithuania Przemys aw D bowiak Kraków Contribution à l ? étymologie des adjectifs romans signi ?ant ? petit ? Bernhard Diensberg Bonn Etymological and lexical problems in trilingual middle England Setsu Fujishiro Kobe A song of marriage and setting up a house A proto-Dolgan song recorded by K M Rychkov ?? David L Gold New York A Sample from a discursive etymological dictionary in preparation of Polish lexical and semantic usages of de ?nite probable or possi- ble Yidish origin On the etymology of German Polish Ukrainian and Yidish nouns meaning ? bench-bed ? with thirteen guidelines for the study of Yidish in uence on Polish El ?bieta Górska Kraków Polish dictionaries of the Arabic language Juha Janhunen Helsinki Issues of comparative Uralic and Altaic Studies Medial p in Pre-Proto-Mongolic Henryk Jankowski Pozna Crimean Tatar kinship terms formed with ??pçe Bayarma Khabtagaeva Szeged Some etymological remarks on words squirrel and sable in Khakas Abdulhakim Kilinç Galina Mi ?kiniene Vilnius Ottoman Empire ?? Grand Duchy of Lithuania relations Several documents from the Manuscript Department of the Vilnius Uni- versity Library Kiss Jen Budapest Zu einigen strittigen Fragen der historischen Sprachwissenschaft Michael Knüppel G? ttingen Jenissejisch-sino-tibetische Anmerkungen bei Robert P Austerlitz Corinna Leschber Berlin Romanes dilinó ? verrückt ? im Kontrast zu türk deli ? irrsinnig ver- rückt ungestüm ? Anatoly Liberman Minneapolis On boasting fear shouting and
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- Publié le Oct 01, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 327.7kB