Product guide nozzles accessories rubber expansion joints 1

Product Guide Hoses Fittings Couplings Expansion Joints Nozzles Petrol Chemical Hoses Hose Fittings Nozzles Accessories Tank Pipe Fittings Rubber Expansion Joints CPetrol Chemical Hoses Quality hoses by ELAFLEX ContiTech setting the standards Available as reel cut lengths or hose assemblies Aircraft refuelling hoses EN API YELLOW BAND Types HD-C VHD PHD TW-E Suitable for all aviation fuels With NEON bands for improved visibility Fuelling hoses without helix EN TRbF YELLOW BAND Type HD - without helix for reel operation Suitable for all petroleum based products Lining NBR W P bar Type HD Fuel oil reel hose Type XHD - without helix Suitable for petroleum based products up to C Lining NBR W P bar Type XHD Speci ?ed by all major oil companies Lining NBR working pressure bar Universal tank hoses EN TRbF BLUE-WHITE-BLUE Type UTD - without helix UTS - with helix Suitable for most chemical and petroleum based products and solvents Lining UPE white with patented OHM conductive stripe Working pressure bar Type UTS Tank truck hoses EN TRbF YELLOW BAND Type TW - with helix Suitable for all petroleum based products Lining NBR Working pressure bar Type TW Corrugated tanker hoses EN TRbF Type LTW - for petroleum based products NBR lining Type UTL - universal hose UPE lining Good exibility due to corrugations W P bar LPG hoses EN ORANGE BAND Type LPG - without helix type LPG for Autogas Suitable for propane butane and other L P gases DVGW-approved Lining NBR Working pressure bar Type LPG Hot bitumen hoses EN TRbF Type HB - with helix Suitable for hot bitumen and heavy fuel - C up to C Lining NBR Working pressure bar Ela on Plus FEP EN TRbF Type FEP D without helix FEP - with helix Universal hose with seamless FEP lining for all standard chemicals in use DN - with light grey cover and OHM conductive spiral DN - with black cover Working pressure bar Type FEP Chemical hoses EN TRbF LILAC BAND Type CHD - without helix CHS - with helix Suitable for more than of all industrial chemicals Lining EPDM Working pressure bar Type CHS Type UTL Type LTW ELAFLON PLUS PFA EN TRbF Type PFA - Form D without helix form SD with helix Universal hose with conductive seamless lining of PFA for all standard chemicals in use Working pressure bar Type PFA Polypal Clean EN TRbF Type PCD - without helix PCS - with helix Clean universal hose for almost all uids Lining UPE bright with conductive spiral stripe Cover EPDM light- grey antistatic scu ? proof W P bar Type PCS Type HB Steam hose DIN ISO Type SD - Suitable for wet saturated steam up to max bar C and hot water up to C For cold water up to bar Lining EPDM Type SD Petrol pump hoses EN TRbF Contitan C Slimline SL Quality petrol pump hoses for gasoline and diesel Cold exible down to - C LT-Type down to - C Assembly with ferrule

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