Lab guide 1 Lab Schematic Entry Overview In this task you will use Custom Designer to draw an inverter gate create the testbench for it run simulation with HSPICE and analyze the waveform using WaveView Please follow the steps exactly as speci ?ed Instruc
Lab Schematic Entry Overview In this task you will use Custom Designer to draw an inverter gate create the testbench for it run simulation with HSPICE and analyze the waveform using WaveView Please follow the steps exactly as speci ?ed Instructions Login to your workstation and open a Terminal Change to labs Work directory cd labs Work Invoke CustomDesigner console window cdesigner From the Custom Designer Console window open the library manager Tools - Library Manager Under the Libraries column select the lab library and choose File - New - CellView Under Cell Name enter inverter Choose Schematic as the View Name The Editor will be automatically set to Schematic Editor Click OK This will open up the schematic editor We begin by adding instances components to the schematic Add the pmos t instance from SAEDPDK library using the Add - Instance command or by clicking on the Add Instance button Select the library SAEDPDK Select cell pmos t Choose View symbol Move your mouse cursor on the schematic canvas and the pmos t symbol will be attached to your cursor place it as shown in the ?gure below CThe ?rst transistor is named M by default The Add Instance command remains active until aborted press the ESC key Repeat the above steps to place the nmos t transistor slightly below the PMOS transistor Press Escape key to cancel the Add Instance operation When done your schematic should like this Use the following icons on the toolbar to zoom and pan your schematic If you need to move any of the transistors click on Edit - Move or select the Move button and then select the object you want to move The selected object will move with your cursor Try moving the transistors around Next add wires to the schematic click Add - Wire or choose the add wire button Draw the wires to the circuit using your mouse see ?gure below for wire connections To deselect wire adding press ESC PMOS bulk to be connected to drain while NMOS bulk to source Wire Connections CNow you need to give name to the wires Choose Add - Wire Name or click on You will see a wire name space on the top of your schematic window to enter your wire name After typing the name select a wire in the schematic to add the wire name to it See the ?gure below for all the wire names To add pins to the schematic go to Add - Pin or choose the Add Pin button to add pins for the input VIN AVDD AVSS and output VOUT Before placing the pins on to the schematic choose the pin type input or output in the Type box CWhen completed your circuit should look like this Next we will modify the width of the transistors For pmos t assign width of u and for nmos t u To assign the width cancel any existing operation by pressing ESC Select the pmos t transistor
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- Publié le Sep 03, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 65.9kB