Strategically using sms messaging texts sent vs compliance ration
Strategically using SMS messaging SUMMARY o Sending SMS messages AFTER initial contact increases compliance hugely o Three or more SMS messages after the initial contact with a prospect client has been shown to increase compliance by o SMS messages should ONLY be writing in natural everyday language and NOT include any form of corporate jargon or management speak o ALL SMS messages should be in the form of keeping the prospect client UPDATED with their personal situation and where they are in the sales cycle Texts Sent vs Compliance Ration Compliance Ratio Compliance RatCioo m p li a nce Ratio Compliance Ratio Text Texts Texts Gary May devere-group com CCoordinator SMS ?? Templates SMS To be sent within hour of the appointment being booked and ACCEPTED KEYPOINT You should NOT expect a response from this initial message should NOT be viewed as the strategy NOT working SMS To be sent BEFORE PM the day before the appointment date Choose ONLY ONE of the QUESTIONS Gary May devere-group com CKEYPOINT You SHOULD expect a response from this message although if you do not then it DOES NOT suggest the strategy has failed KEYPOINT If you receive a reply from the prospect acknowledging your SMS you have now been accepted into their personal space and have been given permission to communicate on this level SMS To be sent by the consultant either just before the appointment or after the ?rst This text should be done by the consultant and AFTER their st prospect meeting Content HAS to be about the meeting and what they have done in preparation for the nd Outcome With a prospect ACCEPTNG a meeting request live engaging in a NORMAL conversation after saying YES REPLYING to a SMS message and ANSWERING your question regarding the nd SMS ensures that this prospect is fully engaged in the process and is FAR FAR FAR less likely to swerve WITHOUT genuine reasons Gary May devere-group com CIf you need me at all Gary may devere-group com Gary May devere-group com C
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- Publié le Aoû 29, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 26.1kB