Student guide 1 Dean Prof Eugenio Gaudio Student Guide Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery ??F ? International Medical School Academic Year - CDean Prof Eugenio Gaudio Student Guide Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery ??F ? International Medical Schoo

Dean Prof Eugenio Gaudio Student Guide Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery ??F ? International Medical School Academic Year - CDean Prof Eugenio Gaudio Student Guide Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery ??F ? International Medical School Academic Year - farmaciamedicina uniroma it CINDEX Greetings to students and teachers O ?ces Degree Course ??F ? Syllabus Courses and course coordinators for each semester Timetable lectures Exams and ongoing examinations Course organisation Teaching sta ? Teaching sta ? Contact information Course Programs Electives ADE Registration to the following years Legend and map of Policlinico Umberto I Legend and map of Città Universitaria CGreetings to students and teachers Dear Students Dear Colleagues The Student Guide of the Degree Course ??F ? in Medicine and Surgery academic year - serves as an orientation to both students and teachers in the complex educational organization of the single cycle degree course in Medicine and Surgery The implementation of the Reform of the Educational System that started already with the academic year - has perfected the educational process by realizing a better integration of educational contents especially inside of the integrated courses and a better coordination between ex-cathedra teaching and practical activities The opinions and potential suggestions by our students regarding the course organization and the teaching quality are essential instruments of information and as those highly appreciated They are of high importance for the correct functioning and the future development of the degree programme The collection of evaluation questionnaires declared mandatory for all Italian public universities by the law last year has been introduced in its digital form and students can proceed with the compilation in the moment of their online registration for exams Of course privacy is guaranteed within the whole process Our goal is the continuous improvement of the teaching activity in the degree programme the o ?ered services and its organization The main part of the information given by this student guide is also available on the website http w uniroma it ims where all necessary updates and additional information will be published during the course of the academic year One goal of the degree programme in Medicine and Surgery ??F ? is inalienable to train medical doctors that are not only well educated but also capable by their scienti ?c preparation and professional formation of medicating and taking care of human beings both in the state of well-being and illness It is task of a modern European degree programme to maintain the unity of knowledge linking scienti ?c competences to humanistic skills and to the capability to handle the complex modern and expensive system of public health The main interest remains the protection of the human being its dignity and psycho-physical integrity Our wish that we would like to renew with sincerity to all of you is that we may proceed successfully in this di ?cult but inspiring process of knowledge and life The Dean Prof Eugenio Gaudio C O ?ces Degree Course ??F ? The administrative o ?ce of the

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