DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING POLITEKNIK KOTA BHARU STUDENT STUDY GUIDE i Lecturer Name WAN SITI RODZIAH BINTI MOHD NASIR O ?ce Location DEPARTMENT OF MATHS SCIENCE COMPUTER Course BA ?? ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Credit Hours Program ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ii SLT Student Learning Time ?? hours Learning and Teaching Activity Lecture Dependent SLT hours Tutorial Dependent Coursework Assessment Test Quiz Group Discussion Tutorial Exercise Dependent Self Learning independent Other Assessment Task End of Chapter Independent SLT Student Learning Time Credit SLT SYNOPSIS ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS exposes students to hyperbolic inverse hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions This course also introduces di ?erentiation and integration Di ?erential equation topic is included to guide students to understand the methods of solving di ?erential equations CCourse Learning Outcome CLO Upon completion of this course students should be able to Find the values for hyperbolic inverse hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions based on solid comprehension of these functions C Respond to the given problems by using advanced di ?erentiation and integration formula C P Analyze the solutions of ?rst and second order di ?erential equations by using the appropriate methods C A iii Lesson Plan Week Topic Sub Topic CLO Assessment Activities HYPERBOLIC INVERSE HYPERBOLIC AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Hyperbolic Functions Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Inverse Trigonometric Functions Sketch graphs and solve equations involving these functions CLO Tutorial Ex Quiz Di ?erentiation and solving problems of Inverse Trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Implicit Functions ADVANCED DIFFERENTIATION First and Second Order Partial Di ?erentiation Total Di ?erentiation Tutorial Ex CLO Tutorial Ex Test ADVANCED INTEGRATION Integration of Inverse trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Partial Fraction Integration by Parts CLO End Of Chap Tutorial Ex Test C DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Forming and solving DE Solving First Order DE using i direct integration ii variable separable iii substitution y vx iv usage of integrating factors Solving Second Order DE CLO Group Discussion Group Discussion iv Assessment Types Of Assessment The course assessment is carried out in two sections Continuous Assessment CA - Continuous assessment is carried out throughout the semester and comprises the followings Assessment Task Quiz Theory Test Group Discussion Tutorial Exercise End Of Chapter No Of Task Percentage Final Examination FE ?? Final examination is carried out at the end of the semester v References Abd Wahid Md Raji et al Calculus for Science and Engineering Students Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kolej Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Anton H Calculus A New Horizon New York John Wiley Sons Inc Bird J O May A J C Technician Mathematics - Longman Bostock L Chandler S Core Mathematics for Advanced Level Stanley Thornes Pub Ltd Cheng Siak Peng Teoh Sian Hoon Ng Set Foong Mathematics for Matriculation th ed Oriental Academic Publication Finney R L Thomas G B Calculus nd ed Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Stroud K A Further Engineering Mathematics Hampshire ELBS Stroud K A Engineering Mathematics th ed

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