Study guide 27 Study Strategies Guide to Accompany Cultural Anthropology A Perspective on the Human Condition Ninth Edition Margaret Rauch St Cloud State University Robert H Lavenda St Cloud State University New York Oxford Oxford University Press CConten
Study Strategies Guide to Accompany Cultural Anthropology A Perspective on the Human Condition Ninth Edition Margaret Rauch St Cloud State University Robert H Lavenda St Cloud State University New York Oxford Oxford University Press CContents Introduction To the Student iii Previewing Reading and Reviewing Taking Notes Studying E ?ectively Asking Questions Visualizing Information Answering Fact and Application Questions Taking Essay Exams Evaluating Your Progress at Midterm ii CIntroduction To the Student These study strategies are designed to help you learn the information in Cultural Anthropology A Perspective on the Human Condition Seventh Edition and prepare for tests in the course As you begin to study ask yourself the following questions What is the extent of my background knowledge in anthropology What new information will I have to learn How di ?cult is the information What will I have to do to learn the information That is what strategies will help me What types of tests will I have to take One of the keys to being a successful student is becoming an independent learner Thinking about the answers to the questions above is an important step in this process Another step is to know how and when to use di ?erent strategies that will help you learn and remember information In addition the a ?ective component is important because you have to be motivated to try di ?erent strategies and incorporate personalized strategies into your study method The purpose of this guide is to help you become more aware of the way you learn and remember information and to encourage you to use the best strategies when studying The order of the study skills segments works well in preparing you for this course but it is certainly not the only way to use the segments If you need help right away on a topic that ? s not covered until later in the guide don ? t wait The principles in the segments although sometimes illustrated by material from a speci ?c chapter apply everywhere Remember this study guide is designed to bene ?t you We encourage you to form study groups if you can Study groups are one of the most e ?ective ways to learn material of any kind Remember no one is born an anthropologist Your instructor and the authors of your textbook began as you are beginning sitting in an introductory class They found the material and the approach really exciting intellectually and they made the decision to continue in anthropology Our hope is that you too will ?nd that excitement Good luck iii CChapter Previewing Reading and Reviewing Getting Started Previewing a textbook is a good way to become familiar with the structure and content First read the preface to learn why the book was written Second read the table of contents to learn how the book ? s content is structured Do you have problems concentrating on the information and remembering what you read Is much of the information new to you Do you
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