The berries grow on the slopes a typolo

The Berries grow on the Slopes A Typology of Substrate Page Dan Ungureanu Department of Balkanic and South-Slavic Studies Faculty of Humanities Charles University Prague Abstract Many languages have lexical substrates a small number of words scattered in the vocabulary Our article tries to substantiate the fact that some meanings are clustered around the substrate It can be shown that some meanings will be typical for the substrate across many languages Introduction In most languages there is a substrate an odd number of words kept from the language spoken before the present one There is a pre-Greek substrate in Greek and a non-Indo-European substrate in Germanic Sometimes we can only identify these terms as belonging to the substrate without any further possibility of analysis There is a further frustration these words are usually few and their distribution in language seems arbitrary I A Typology of the Substrate Some words simply do not travel For ?r-tree oak birch and some other tree names it seems as the words have their own areal and do not get replaced by invasive languages Portuguese Spanish French Romanian took the substrate words they found on the spot as Latin has done before Tree names rocks dens caves cli ?s are more attached to a place than to languages Swamps bogs and marshes keep their local names Berries too From a linguistic point of view ??substrate words ? are simple loanwords In fact loanwords behave like dogs they can be given away and will follow the new master somewhere else Substrate words are like cats cats prefer to stay where they live they are more attached to their condo than to a master or another We consider that words ? belong ? to a language A few of them in fact ? belong ? to an area and do not move Abstract concepts Lat autumnus Rom amurg ??evening ? Sscr Rig-Veda ?arvar ??night ? Fr gauche ??left ? Irish ciotóg 'left hand' Catalan Spanish Portuguese esquerra izquierda ??left ? CRumantsch tschanc ??left ? Sp zurdo ??left sinister ? Sp a? icos ??small pieces ? Rom f ?r? me ??crumbles ? Rom mare ??big ? cf Irl mor ??big ? Lat grandis ??big ? Engl big may be substrate Ital Lombard Poschiavino bigliér ??many ? Rom mic ??small ? Sp charro ??small weak bad ? Page Fr gaillard Rom bucuros ??joyful merry ? Gr ? ? ? ??happy ? are substrate and may be related as well Finnish kikama ??reverly merrymaking ? Orkney English blide ??happy pleased ? Norn Germ Goth diups ??deep ? etc Rom s? mbr ? ??team peasants working together ? Sp berrendo ??with white limbs ? Sp zurrapas ??dregs ? Rumantsch crena ??incision ? Actions verbs Rom a r ?bda ??to endure ? Northern Saami gierdat ??to endure ? Germ hardjan Tools and other objects Usually plough parts Fr soc ??plough-share ? Rom b? rs ? ??share-beam ? Sskr linga ??plough ? Sanscr ph ?la- Pers sup ?r ??plough-share ? Finnish sahra ??wooden

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