The weirdness of beginner x27 s guide
jgvw pp ?? Intellect Limited Journal of Gaming Virtual Worlds Volume Number ? Intellect Ltd Article English language https doi org jgvw Received September Accepted November STUART MOULTHROP University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ? Turn back from this cave ? The weirdness of Beginner ? s Guide ABSTRACT This article pursues a deep dive into various enigmas presented by Davey Wreden's second e ?ort The Beginner's Guide moving beyond the vexed question of whether the work can count as a game to the perhaps more interesting subject of how the work intervenes in game culture and what it says about the nature of game poetics The ultimate focus is on the structure of the game especially in its adoption of a logic of coda to which the article relates the Derridean notion of supplement KEYWORDS narrative walking simulator literature ?lm Wreden poetics Procedural and computational games are perhaps inherently mysterious In his study of interactive ?ction Nick Montfort a ?liates that form with the ancient poetic tradition of the riddle Montfort We might generalize Montfort ? s insight to any game that simulates an explorable domain Such games pose ontological questions What is this world in which I ?nd myself Why is it the way it is What do my interactions reveal Maybe all world- games are basically riddles some more direct than others in the way they frame their enigmas In his two major e ?orts so far Davey Wreden has a way of putting his puzzles up front The Stanley Parable begs the question parable of www intellectbooks com ? ? Stuart Moulthrop what Similarly in coming to The Beginner ? s Guide we might ask guide to what practice activity or way of being Just what are we beginning Many players of The Stanley Parable come away with plausible answers the game is about free will and its frustrations it explores the tension between programmatic structure and play or desire These are not necessarily the best answers but they are reasonably related to the experience of the game Beginner ? s Guide by contrast is harder to ?x in a phrase Most immediately it appears to be about a broken friendship though this core ?ction looks suspiciously like parable or metaphor On a deeper level the work addresses the ethics of expression and interpretation and perhaps the reasons for making game-based art To borrow somewhat loosely from Stephanie Boluk and Patrick Lemieux we might see both Stanley and Beginner ? s Guide as metagames attempts to play with received conventions and assumptions of computer games Boluk and Lemieux These works invite us as Bo Ruberg Jack Halberstam and Anna Anthropy would say to play otherwise Ruberg Playing-otherwise is an indispensable endeavour but it can bring aesthetic risk As another theorist of play observes ? if you play with a simulation it becomes a game if you play with a game it becomes just play ? Myers Leaving aside the question of what David Myers or anyone else might mean
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- Publié le Jui 27, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 88.5kB