Truth and juridical forms Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race Nation and Culture ISSN - Print - Online Journal homepage http www tandfonline com loi csid Truth and Juridical Forms Michel Foucault To cite this article Michel Foucault Truth and
Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race Nation and Culture ISSN - Print - Online Journal homepage http www tandfonline com loi csid Truth and Juridical Forms Michel Foucault To cite this article Michel Foucault Truth and Juridical Forms Social Identities - DOI To link to this article http dx doi org Published online Aug Submit your article to this journal Article views View related articles Citing articles View citing articles Full Terms Conditions of access and use can be found at http www tandfonline com action journalInformation journalCode csid Download by Anelis Plus Consortium Date October At CSo cial Identities V olum e N um ber Truth and Juridical Forms M ICHEL FOUCAULT translated by LAWRENCE WILLIAMS with CATHERINE MERLEN Arizona State University TRAN SLAT OR ?S FOREW ORD This text was origina lly presented in French at a conference at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in M ay It was subsequently translated to Portuguese by J W Prado for publication in the June issue of Cardernos da PUC and then into French by P W Prado Jr published by Gallimard Paris in in M Foucault Dits et écrits This French translation was established from the Portuguese translation with the help of recordings taped during the conference This English translation is based on the text published in by Gallimard Footnote refers to a note by the translator of this text on the translation from the French into English In the French translation the translator of the Portuguese text into French indicated that the word épreuve was left in French in the Portuguese translation The translator of this text has decided to keep it in French too Foucault M Á La Vérité et les form es jurid iques ?in D Defert and F Ew ald eds D its et écrits Vol II pp Paris G allim ard This w as translated from the origina l publication in Portuguese M Foucault Á A verdade e as form as jurid icas ? Trad J W Prado Jr Cadernos da PU C pp Discussion w ith M T Am aral R O Cruz C Katz L C Lim a R M achado R Muraro H Peleg rin o M J Pinto A R de Sant ?Anna at conferen ces at the Ponti ?cal Catholic Univers ity of Rio de Janeiro M ay From D its et écrits Volum e II to be publis hed by The N ew Press ? Ed itions G allim ard In the preceding lecture I m ade referen ce to tw o form s or types of judicial res olution litigation contes t or dis pute pres en t in G reek civilis ation The ?rst form being rather archaic is found in H om er ?s w ritings Tw o w arriors confronted each other in order to know w ho w as w rong and w ho w as right or w ho had violated the rights of the other The task of
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- Publié le Nov 08, 2021
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- Langue French
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