User x27 s guide oregon trail 5th edition adventures along the oregon trail 1
User ? s Guide Oregon Trail th Edition Adventures Along the Oregon Trail ? CABOUT RIVERDEEP - THE LEARNING COMPANY Riverdeep - The Learning Company provides highly motivating dynamic curriculum-based Internet and CD-ROM learning experiences for children in Kindergarten through th grade Our products feature interactive problemsolving approaches and real-world applications that help develop your child ? s underlying thinking skills and creativity while reinforcing important areas of the basic curriculum such as reading writing and mathematics Since The Learning Company ? s award-winning titles have consistently produced the highest quality educational software available Every product under the Oregon Trail brand undergoes extensive research and testing with input from parents children and professionals in education Each product features a precise balance of educational content and entertainment value so your child has fun while learning ? Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited and its licensors All rights reserved Uses Miles Sound System Copyright ? ?? RAD Game Tools Uses Bink Video Technology Copyright ? ?? by RAD Game Tools Inc Adobe Acrobat ? Adobe Systems Incorporated The Learning Company and The Oregon Trail are registered trademarks and Adventures Along the Oregon Trail is a trademark of Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited Windows and Win are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other countries Pentium is either a registered trademark or trademark of Intel Corporation in the U S and or other countries Macintosh and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners DirectX is a proprietary tool of Microsoft Corporation and its suppliers and may only be used in conjunction with Microsoft operating system products All intellectual property rights in the DirectX are owned by Microsoft Corporation and its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions Copyright ? Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Oregon Trail th Edition Adventures Along the Oregon Trail ? CTABLE OF CONTENTS Hardware System Requirements Setting Up Starting the Program Installing the Program Starting the Program Using the TLC Learning Launcher Educational Focus Program Overview Starting the Game Quick Start Creating Your Character Buying Supplies Starting on the Trail Traveling on the Trail Consulting Your Resources Maps Guidebook Glossary Other People The Montgomery Family Checking Your Wagon Party ? s Status Health Wagon and Supplies Turning Around Managing Your Supplies Rationing Food Buying More Items Trading for Supplies Hunting Gathering Fishing Lightening Your Load Overcoming Obstacles Rivers Deserts Hills Stopping along the Trail Major Landmarks and Rivers Towns Forts and Trading Posts Returning to the Trail Pausing and Saving the Game Recording Your Journey Saving and Printing Your Diary Finishing the Trail Appendices A Program Menus B Historical Facts C Additional Resources Troubleshooting Windows Macintosh Contacting The Learning Company Credits Oregon Trail th Edition Adventures Along the Oregon Trail ? CHARDWARE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Windows version Macintosh version Runs on PC and compatibles ?? Pentium MHz or faster
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- Publié le Dec 30, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 154.6kB