voter guide LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF CANTON P O Box Canton CT www canton lwvconnecticut org Canton LWV Voters ? Guide The Canton League of Women Voters asked four questions of all candidates running for the Connecticut General Assembly Their replies are
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF CANTON P O Box Canton CT www canton lwvconnecticut org Canton LWV Voters ? Guide The Canton League of Women Voters asked four questions of all candidates running for the Connecticut General Assembly Their replies are in alphabetical order The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization of men and women It encourages informed and active participation in government works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and in uences public policy through education and advocacy See http canton lwvconnecticut org index html for more information including on joining the Canton League Timothy LeGeyt R th State House of Representatives District unopposed What is your position on the ballot question Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to remove restrictions concerning absentee ballots and to permit a person to vote without appearing at a polling place on the day of an election There are very few items or issues that I think merit a change in our State Constitution Since the absentee ballot is already referenced therein I think it is a worthy issue to put to the ballot in November However rather than specify what if any restrictions should be placed on the absentee ballot question in the Constitution I think a better remedy is to have the authority regarding absentee ballots rest with the Legislature What is your ?scal philosophy regarding funding infrastructure Our infrastructure is one of our highest priorities because it involves the public ? s reliance on and the public ? s safety with whatever infrastructure the government provides Hence we can ? t let it deteriorate especially to a state where the public is at risk Our present Governor has raided the Special Transportation Fund more than once to spend in other areas ?? that is against all public policy What is your ?scal philosophy regarding supporting education Unlike the Federal Gov ? t our State Constitution mandates a free and appropriate education for children from ?ve to seventeen years of age The word ??appropriate ? is as powerful as the word ??free ? And the appropriateness of an education is a moving target We always debate the level of funding for education on the Appropriations Committee and this next session will be no di ?erent What can CT do to reduce carbon emissions and preserve natural resources CConnecticut ? s encouragement for citizens to install alternative sources of energy and the funding programs to support it is vital to our managing of our state and our environment The level to which the State can o ?er funding changes with each session of the Legislature but it should always be a priority Melissa Osborne D th State Senate District What is your position on the ballot question Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to remove restrictions concerning absentee ballots and to permit a person to vote without appearing at a polling place on the day of an election I will be voting in
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- Publié le Mar 17, 2021
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