Legal guide 2 Beat Lawyers At Their Own Game Deaver Brown Author Brown co-founded the Umbroller stroller company American Power APCC and Simply Media He published The Entrepreneurs Guide with Macmillan in hardcover and Ballantine in mass market paperback

Beat Lawyers At Their Own Game Deaver Brown Author Brown co-founded the Umbroller stroller company American Power APCC and Simply Media He published The Entrepreneurs Guide with Macmillan in hardcover and Ballantine in mass market paperback He published a business series of CD- ROM ? s with Macmillan and another series with Simply Media Brown graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Business School He has published numerous articles in trade journals and business magazines Copyright Simply Media Inc Lincoln MA - www simplymedia com CAbout the Survival Kit Series Our Survival Kits are designed to be quick concise and much easier to read than most reference books As in true wilderness survival kits the key to success is limiting your materials to the least amount of weight necessary This provides users with fast light yet complete packs and ensures easy travel without excess baggage At Simply Media our hardest task is eliminating materials that are not absolutely necessary for traversing the subject ? s territory We take the time to make each of our Survival Kits as short and concise as possible so you can learn the most important facts with a fast cover-to-cover read About the Legal F DB Survival Kit The Legal Survival Kit pares down the huge amount of legal information available and provides you with the essentials for your legal protection and planning In the spirit of ??less is more ? the contents are concise and divided into small individual categories for faster reading and better comprehension www simplymedia com Legal Survival Kit CBackground How We Got to Where We Are These two rules have led to an explosion in American litigation Well- ?nanced lawyers can fund clients to prosecute If the funded client loses there is no ?nancial consequence for the plainti ? in all but the rarest of cases Is it any wonder then with these rules that we have so much litigation in the US and other industrial countries so little Other countries have these guys under control American lawyers used to belong to an elite club that ??did the right thing ? or so we thought There have always been bad lawyers ambulance chasers and the like Even Shakespeare said ??First kill all the lawyers ? These are the facts of life in the American legal world The American Trial Lawyers Association is alive well and vigorously protects its privileges It is the largest political PAC with all the implications of that powerful position protecting the interests of litigators and defenders Remember that for every litigator there must be at least one legal defender usually another lawyer Your Role in the Legal World Winner or Loser Of the major industrial countries only the United States permits Contingency law suits That is the plainti ?s do not have to bear any costs other than a potential percentage award to the lawyer The loser does not have to pay the legal costs of the winner In the current legal environment you will either be

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  • Publié le Apv 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 130.4kB