Bfly pocket guide A POCKET GUIDE TO Common Kansas Butter ies By Jim Mason Funded by Westar Energy Green Team Glenn Springs Holdings Inc Occidental Chemical Corporation and the Chickadee Checko ? Published by the Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center ?

A POCKET GUIDE TO Common Kansas Butter ies By Jim Mason Funded by Westar Energy Green Team Glenn Springs Holdings Inc Occidental Chemical Corporation and the Chickadee Checko ? Published by the Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center ? ? ? ? ? CTable of Contents ? Introduction ? ? Butter ies vs Moths ? ? Observing Butter ies ? Family Papilionidae - Swallowtails ? Pipevine Swallowtail ? ? Zebra Swallowtail ? ? Black Swallowtail ? ? Giant Swallowtail ? ? Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ? Family Pieridae ?? Whites Sulphurs ? Checkered White ? ? Cabbage White ? ? Clouded Sulphur ? ? Orange Sulphur ? ? Cloudless Sulphur ? ? Sleepy Orange ? ? Little Yellow ? ? Dainty Sulphur ? ? Southern Dogface ? Family Lycaenidae ?? Gossamer-Wings ? Gray Copper ? ? Bronze Copper ? ? Coral Hairstreak ? ? Gray Hairstreak ? ? Juniper Hairstreak ? ? Reakirts' Blue ? ? Eastern Tailed-Blue ? ? Spring Azure and Summer Azure ? Family Nymphalidae ?? Brushfoots ? American Snout ? ? Variegated Fritillary ? ? Great Spangled Fritillary ? ? Regal Fritillary ? ? Gorgone Checkerspot ? ? Silvery Checkerspot ? ? Phaon Crescent ? ? Pearl Crescent ? ? Question Mark ? C ? Eastern Comma ? ? Mourning Cloak ? ? American Lady ? ? Painted Lady ? ? Red Admiral ? ? Common Buckeye ? ? Red- spotted Purple ? ? Viceroy ? ? Goatweed Leafwing ? ? Hackberry Emperor ? ? Tawny Emperor ? ? Little Wood Satyr ? ? Common Wood Nymph ? ? Monarch ? ?Greg Sievert Family Hesperiidae ?? Skippers ? Silver-spotted Skipper ? ? Southern Cloudywing ? ? Hayhurst's Scallopwing ? ? Funereal Duskywing ? ? Wild Indigo Duskywing ? ? Common Checkered-Skipper ? ? Common Sootywing ? ? Least Skipper ? ? Fiery Skipper ? ? Ottoe Skipper ? Eggs larva and ? Sachem ? chrysalis of Black ? Arogos Skipper ? Swallowtail ? Delaware Skipper ? ? Zabulon Skipper ? Cover Photo Regal Fritillary ? Nysa Roadside-Skipper ? ?Bob Gress ? Common Roadside-Skipper ? ? List of Suggested Books ? ? List of Internet Resources ? ? Acknowledgements ? ? Pocket Guides ? CIntroduction Insects are the most numerous and successful group of organisms on Earth but most of them lack a ??fan base ? In fact many are downright despised by people However butter ies are a type of insect that most people ?nd appealing Their beautiful colors close association with owers intriguing behaviors and their inability to bite us - combine to make them ambassadors of sorts for their six-legged kin This pocket guide covers of the more common and interesting species of the species of butter ies recorded within Kansas ? borders If you come across a butter y that does not quite look like what is shown here it may well be a di ?erent species A list of comprehensive butter y references is in the back of this guide Each species

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