Bored tunnelling in the urban environment theme lecture by mair amp taylor

Theme lecture Bored tunnelling in the urban environment Exposé sur le thème Tunnels forés dans un environnement urbain R J Mair - Geotechnical Consulting Group London UK R N Taylor - City University London UK ABSTRACT The Report reviews the state-of-the-art and recent developments in geotechnical aspects of bored tunnelling in the urban environment Various advances in tunnel construction techniques are highlighted notably the increasing use of slurry and earth pressure balance shields Methods of calculating the stability of tunnels are reviewed In the context of tunnelling in the urban environment particular emphasis is given in the Report to ground movements associated with tunnel construction their modelling and prediction and their e ?ects on buildings Reference is made to case histories of tunnels constructed in a wide variety of ground conditions Ground loading acting on tunnel linings is discussed The Report focuses on three areas in which there have been signi ?cant developments in ground treatment in recent years face reinforcement slurry and earth pressure balance shield technology and compensation grouting RESUME Ce rapport examine l ? état de l ? art et les dévelopments récents concernant les aspects géotechniques des tunnels creusés en milieu urbain Un certain nombre de progrès dans les techniques de construction sont illustrés notamment l ? augmentation de l ? utilisation des boucliers à pression de boue et des boucliers à contrepression de terre Les di ?érentes méthodes de calcul de stabilité des tunnels sont examinées Dans le contexte du creusement de tunnel en milieu urbain une attention toute particulière est accordée dans ce rapport aux mouvements du sol associés à la construction du tunnel leur modélisation leur prédiction et leurs e ?ets sur les b? timents Il est fait référence à plusieurs projets de tunnels construits dans une grande variété de type de terrain Le chargement sur le soutènement du tunnel par le sol est traité Le rapport se concentre sur trois domaines du traitement des sols dans lesquels des développements signi ?catifs ont eu lieu au cours des dernières années le renforcement du front la technique des boucliers à pression de boue et des boucliers à contrepression de terre et les injections de compensation INTRODUCTION The title of Plenary Session of this Conference Underground Works in the Urban Environment principally involves bored tunnel construction and deep excavations This Report focuses only on bored tunnel construction primarily because Professor Nussbaumer in his Report for Plenary Session has addressed the subject of Retaining Structures and Excavated Slopes and the associated Discussion Sessions have been concerned with the subject of deep excavations It should be made clear that the term ??bored ? tunnel construction means any kind of mined tunnel as distinct from cutand- cover tunnels At the lhICSMFE in Mexico in Professor Ralph Peck presented his seminal state-of-the-art paper on Deep Excavations and Tunnelling in Soft Ground Since then there have been signi ?cant developments in the theory and practice of geotechnical engineering applied to underground construction and there have been various major review papers

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