Cip drying plant CIP Cleaning-in-Place of Spray Drying Plants GEA Niro CChamber cone integrated uid bed and sieve with CIP nozzles CIP nozzle Hydraulic or pneumatically activated for cleaning Design for Hygienic performance The hygienic aspects of produci

CIP Cleaning-in-Place of Spray Drying Plants GEA Niro CChamber cone integrated uid bed and sieve with CIP nozzles CIP nozzle Hydraulic or pneumatically activated for cleaning Design for Hygienic performance The hygienic aspects of producing dairy and food products are of extreme importance State-of-the-Art Cleaning Methods To meet today ? s strict requirements spray drying plants must satisfy the highest hygienic design standards to avoid product degradation and contamination during plant operation Wet and Dry Methods Cleaning requirements for well designed liquid processing equipment are achieved by circulating cleaning solutions and water under well controlled conditions Cleaning requirements for the drying and powder handling equipment - the dry areas - can be met by either dry or wet methods or a combination of both Dry methods involve the manual sweeping of surfaces in contact with the product or air sweeping by allowing a high velocity air stream to pass over the surfaces in question Wet methods can involve either manual hosing of surfaces or more e ?ectively by use of automated cleaning-in-place systems CIP systems GEA Niro has developed CIP systems to meet strict industrial requirements page VIBRO -FLUIDIZER and sieve with sidemounted CIP nozzles CHigh pressure atomizer nozzles ready for CIP cleaning All nozzles lances and nozzle heads are placed in a special stand for cleaning Spray drying chamber in CIP mode Atomizer nozzles removed from atomization zone A CIP turbine cleans surface of inner chamber walls CIP Systems Correct Cleaning is Essential The very nature of dairy and food products means that the possibility of product deposits formation on the surface of the process equipment is always real The products ? fat sugar and protein content gives hygro scopic and sticky characteristics at the temperature and humidity conditions present during processing Extend your Plant Productivity The longer the plant operates the greater is the chance for deposit formation GEA Niro has successfully developed spray drying plants that minimize deposit formation and permit plant operation over longer periods of time However occasionally the plant has to be shut down for cleaning and cleaning-in-place has become essential to minimize cleaning time and thereby maintain high plant productivity Cleaning for Individual Needs GEA Niro has developed systems suitable for cleaning individual items or complete process plants This involves integrating cleaning nozzles into the plant components together with their associated pipework and instrumentation Computer Controlled CIP Operations The CIP operation is computer controlled A programme controls pump and valve functions and cleaning sequences are given the optimum timing for e ?cient cleaning of all parts of the plant The system is exible and di ?erent washing programmes can be selected Programme Flexibility The programme software includes the exibility to alter and adapt the washing programmes according to experience and need when new products are processed or new operating conditions are applied Further individual programmes can be developed for speci ?c products for which cleaning e ?ciency cleaning time or the amount of chemicals used can di ?er Preparing the VIBRO -FLUIDIZER for

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