Construction safety focus preventing falls from height in building amp construction

Construction Safety Focus July Preventing falls from height in building construction This document provides employers and employees with information about WorkSafe ? s current safety focus in the construction industry and directs them to detailed guidance regarding the prevention of falls from height We ? re focusing on safe work at heights WorkSafe Inspectors are currently visiting construction sites across Victoria to ensure that works at height are being performed safely Why the visits ? Falls from height remain one of the leading causes of death and serious injury in Victoria ? s construction sector ? Over the past ten years there have been at least construction workers killed due to falls from height ? Over the past ?ve years more than construction workers have required workers ? compensation and time o ? work for injuries resulting from a fall - many of these injuries have been ? life- changing ? ? WorkSafe Inspectors are still routinely ?nding and taking enforcement action in cases of unsafe work at height Common construction fall hazards Falls incidents have often been associated with ? working on or near unprotected edges ? using unsafe or incomplete sca ?olds ? using inappropriate ladders or unsafe ladder use ? falling from roofs or through fragile roofs or skylights ? falling from trucks or plant ? falling through stair-voids and ? falling into holes pits or shafts Controlling the risk of falls Whilst employers including self-employed persons are required to control the risk of falls from any height construction work involving a risk of a fall from more than two metres is prescribed ? high-risk construction work ? HRCW and further speci ?c duties apply These speci ?c duties include a requirement that work must not commence unless a Safe Work Method Statement SWMS has been developed The SWMS must ? identify work that is HRCW and ? state the hazards and risks to health or safety of that work and ? su ?ciently describe measures to control those risks and ? describe the manner in which the risk control measures are to be implemented The SWMS must be followed during the work If it is not being followed the work must stop Notes A ?ected workers and their health and safety representatives must be consulted when identifying risks and hazards and determining risk control measures Additional duties exist in relation to SWMS ?? refer to ??Further Information ? section Risk control measures falls over metres A duty holder eg an employer must ?rst try to eliminate the risk of falls over two metres If that is not reasonably practicable the next highest level of control that is reasonably practicable must be used in accordance with the table below Appropriate emergency procedures must also be established Note A combination of risk control measures will usually be required Hierarchy of Risk Control for Prevention of Falls Level Eliminate the risk by doing all or some of the work on the ground or from a solid construction Level Reduce

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