study guide CIS CIS Fall Introduction to Programming Languages Exam Study Guide ? The exam will be given on Wednesday November - am ?? The main location will be Durland our usual lecture hall ?? but if your last name starts with A B or C then please go to
CIS CIS Fall Introduction to Programming Languages Exam Study Guide ? The exam will be given on Wednesday November - am ?? The main location will be Durland our usual lecture hall ?? but if your last name starts with A B or C then please go to room ? You may bring all the printed or written material you want You are not allowed to use any electronic devices such as calculators computers cell phones etc ? The exam will focus on what has been covered since the ?rst exam but you should still remember what was covered before ? To prepare for the exam you should study and understand the following material uploaded on Canvas ?? the lecture slides ? part Introduction Basics Functions ListFunctions DataTypes Exceptions TreeFunctions Recursion ? part Parsing ImperativeInterpret FirstOrderFunctionsInterpret Racket HigherOrderFunctionsInterpret ?? the ?rst three programming projects ?? the lab exercises given before the exam ?? the corresponding exam set from last year when ? the students were asked questions about their Projects and you may expect questions about your somewhat similar Projects and ? the CIS students were given an extra question on material we have not yet covered this year ? In addition it may be bene ?cial to study ?? chapters - of Shriram Krishnamurthi ? s textbook Programming Languages Application and Interpretation nd edition available at http cs brown edu sk Publications Books ProgLangs ?? selected parts of David Schmidt ? s textbook CIS Lecture Notes Introduction to Programming-Language Paradigms available at http people cis ksu edu schmidt f Lectures home html C
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- Publié le Jul 09, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 23.7kB