white contributions to geotechnique 1948 2008 physical modelling
White D J Ge ?otechnique No ?? doi geot Contributions to Ge ?otechnique ?? Physical modelling D J WHITE This paper reviews the major contributions to Ge ?otechnique that relate to physical modelling including developments in modelling technology important experimental observations and the resulting advances in geotechnical engineering An increasing proportion of the papers published by this journal involve physical modelling conducted either at g or in a geotechnical centrifuge Over the years since Ge ?otechnique was ?rst published experimental techniques have advanced signi ?cantly improving the realism of small-scale simulations and raising the quality and detail of the measurements that can be made These techniques are reviewed and some of the consequent advances in relation to foundations tunnels retaining walls and slopes are highlighted as reported in the pages of Ge ?otechnique KEYWORDS centrifuge modelling historical review model tests La pre ?sente communication passe en revue les principales contributions aGe ?otechnique portant sur une mode ?lisation physique y compris des de ?veloppements dans la technologie de la mode ?lisation d ? importantes observations expe ?rimentales ainsi que les progres re ?sultants en inge ?nierie ge ?otechnique Une proportion croissante de communications publie ?es dans le pre ?sent journal comporte une mode ?lisation physique e ?ectue ?e a g ou dans une centrifuge ge ?otechnique Au ?l des anne ?es qui se sont e ?coule ?es depuis le premier nume ?ro de Ge ?otechnique les techniques expe ?rimentales ont effectue ? des progres conside ?rables en optimisant le re ?alisme de simulations apetite e ?chelle et en renforc ant la qualite ? et le de ?tail des mesures qui peuvent e tre effectue ?es Ces techniques sont passe ?es en revue en mettant l ? accent sur certains des progres qui en de ?coulent sur le plan des fondations des tunnels des murs de soute nement et des pentes et talus qui ont e ?te ? reporte ?s dans les pages de Ge ?otechnique INTRODUCTION Since the birth of Ge ?otechnique physical modelling has matured as an experimental technique relevant to geotechnical engineering The key milestones of this development are described in the pages of Ge ?otechnique which has been chosen by many involved in physical modelling as the repository for their best work In this paper the major contributions to the development of geotechnical physical modelling are highlighted and some of the resulting advances in the theory and practice of geotechnical engineering are described A total of about papers representing approximately of the Ge ?otechnique archive are concerned primarily with physical modelling and many others make reference to this body of work However during the ?rst years of Ge ?otechnique from to only papers described physical modelling that is one every second year representing ?? of the journal Most of these early contributions describe model tests conducted in large tanks ??generally of sand ??which aimed to establish the forces on retaining walls and piles These models were not intended to replicate any particular ?eld-scale equivalent they were aimed at
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- Publié le Aoû 29, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 104.8kB