03 paper 2 example a Paper example A student work Paper Q Some literary texts although set in a particular place or time convey ideas that are universal In what ways is this true in two of the works you have studied Yes it is true that writers through the

Paper example A student work Paper Q Some literary texts although set in a particular place or time convey ideas that are universal In what ways is this true in two of the works you have studied Yes it is true that writers through their works portray ideas that are universal and immortal In The Guide by RK Narayan and Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen the authors use strong characters varying points of view conversations and dialogues and many more techniques to convey universal ideas like mental health unhappy marriages class distinction etc Although both authors use varying techniques and writing styles they are united by the common strand of universal ideas and messages which they convey to a great degree of e ?ectiveness The Guide uses braided narration with a third and ?rst person point of view to depict ideas of deception guidance and class distinction while in Hedda Gabler conversations and dialogues are used to expose the various points of view that bring out the ideas of mental health patriarchy and class distinction In The Guide Narayan successfully uses ?rst person anecdotal narration to give the reader an insight into the mind of the protagonist Raju which helps us realise his internal con ict and the irony of him guiding others in spite of being in the need of guidance himself as he struggles to ?nd his identity which is a universal idea prevalent timelessly showing the various identities like ? Railway Raju ? and ??Prisoner Raju ? taken up by him through his life through anecdotal and episodic narration giving the reader a more personal idea of what the protagonist was going through On the other hand in Hedda Gabler Ibsen uses conversations and dialogues to give the audience an idea the various individual perspectives of all the characters which convey universal ideas through their thoughts Hedda ? s conversations with her husband Thea etc give the audience a clear understanding of her mental health and the façade she puts on of pretending to be tough and dominating in spite of being scared on the inside which is something societal pressure compels individuals across times and spaces to do The Guide also uses dialogues similar to Hedda Gabler to show the perspectives of the various characters which convey the authors thoughts and ideas For example through Velan ? s conversation with Raju Velan ? s perspective and the fact that he looks up to Raju becomes clear which works in synergy with Narayan ? s ?rst person narration which tells us that Velan ? s image of Raju is not true and Raju is not what Velan thinks he is demonstrating the universal idea of appearance vs reality Both authors use dialogues to give the readers and audiences an insight into the characters ? thoughts and perspectives however Narayan gives us a better in sight because of how his dialogues in the third person narration compliment his ?rst person episodic stories which complement each other very well

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