Kagetsu tohya guide Original site here Google Translated Kagetsu Tohya ? ? Game Guide Unlike in most games of the genre you can lose one or another image of the gallery because the game is changing every time we released some events some images soon end u

Original site here Google Translated Kagetsu Tohya ? ? Game Guide Unlike in most games of the genre you can lose one or another image of the gallery because the game is changing every time we released some events some images soon end up becoming inaccessible The Kagetsu sidestories of Tohya are being released throughout the game This guide is an edited version of the guide's tjm without the translations of the dialogues and containing only the choices to make All the credit goes to him TWILIGHT GRASS MOON FAIRY TALE PRINCESS a day To Inui ? s House Go to the tea ceremony room and share senpai's lunch No he'll attend the lesson properly Go and take a look in the tea room Talk with Hisui The vision of the ends of the world Repeat again a day Stay in the mansion Go to Akiha's room Prevent her from sleeping Repeat again a day Stay in the mansion Help Hisui Look for Hisui Repeat again a day Go to school C To Ciel's apartment No I want to be swept away Eat in the cafeteria Skip the lesson Go into town To Arcueid's room Take a look in her chest of drawers-nya Repeat again a day Go to school To Arcueid's mansion He'll irt with Arcueid for a little longer Have a modest lunch outside No he'll attend the lesson properly Go into town To Arcueid's room He'd like to hear about the strange things that have been happening lately The vision of the ends of the world Repeat again a day Stay in the mansion Go out because the mansion is boring To Arihiko's place Go back to the mansion Go to Akiha's room It has come CRepeat again a day Stay in the mansion Go out because the mansion is boring To a co ?ee shop Stay with Akira-chan for lunch Go out to eat for a change Chinese from a moving restaurant called Mark II Repeat again Ten Nights of Dream - Passing by Quietly an Early Evening unlocked a day Go to school To Inui's house Go to the tea ceremony room and share senpai's lunch No he'll attend the lesson properly Stay in the classroom Go to Akiha's room About the recent murder cases in town Repeat again Ten Nights of Dream - Nanako-chan S O S unlocked a day Go to school Straight to school Go to school with Akiha Drop by the courtyard Have a modest lunch outside C Eat lunch with Akiha No he'll attend the lesson properly Go straight home Go home with Akiha Go to Akiha's room He has forgotten what it is Repeat again a day Go to school Straight to school Go to school alone Go straight to the classroom The appointed day of the Culture Festival at last Costumiers and photographers Marble Phantasm Fourth oor ?rst year classes Helping out the class Repeat again a day Go to school Straight to school Go to school alone

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