Ielts guide there are 3 good youtube channels
IELTs Guide There are two companies that conduct IELTs tests Australian and British always choose the British Council test There are two types of Tests IELTS Academic and General Training General Training is for immigration so choose Academic for study There are two methods of giving IELTS on paper or on computer always choose paper based so you will get better grade on the writing section On the computer-based test your mistakes are detected by computer so marking is very strict Only use Pakistani videos for speaking test preparation that is the only way to learn But for other parts listening reading writing it is up to you There are good YouTube channels IELTs Liz for introduction and understanding of the test Rob IELTs for practicing Asad Yaqub Pakistani channel best for speaking https www youtube com c IELTSLiz playlists https www youtube com channel UCy jax S TR-WqvD roQ yw https www youtube com c AsadYaqubIELTS playlists Introduction Listening Lectures Listening Lectures Listening Practice Listening Practice Listening Practice https youtube com playlist list PLOSo A ngEXUQ CZH Ddu JTrx wrfqx https youtube com playlist list PLOSo A ngEXW lCsctVH tUFZMtNeQnt https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV bbL AmgtTeoMlWVGlyWv https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV aORwMvuaZTNyi TTdeEY https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV iTDSQtZkyrKIhhDUdfQU https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV CNJGDq lT FRIlfaaKVM Reading Lectures Reading Practice https youtube com playlist list PLSlIe pBtNV-VqH-F wgrcqEMYoIRjY https crackieltswithrob com news-detail ielts-reading-practice- tests - - html Writing Lectures Writing Lectures Writing Lectures Writing Lectures Writing Practice https youtube com playlist list PLOSo A ngEXWhD yisOF qBB e sWx https youtube com playlist list PLOSo A ngEXUNqNesQ cFtmtsL UZWYh https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV -SG ph wXwwVtgI nn https youtube com playlist list PLSlIepBtNV P iwlnmKfRMTTwQaSVTL https crackieltswithrob com news-detail ielts-writing-practice- tests - - html Note Only use Pakistani videos for speaking test preparation that is the only way to learn But for other parts listening reading writing it is up to you Speaking Lectures https youtube com playlist list PLzvGATksl N hNep qL-bzLkixQ Goova Speaking Practice https crackieltswithrob com news-detail ielts-speaking-practice- tests - - html C
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- Publié le Mar 08, 2022
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