Utorrent guide Enabling Protocol Encryption uTP UDP Packets and Increasing Speed Via Max Half Open Connections uTorrent by default disables protocol encryption We need to enable this so that the ISP's packet shaping hardware will detect our BitTorrent tra
Enabling Protocol Encryption uTP UDP Packets and Increasing Speed Via Max Half Open Connections uTorrent by default disables protocol encryption We need to enable this so that the ISP's packet shaping hardware will detect our BitTorrent tra ?c as normal tra ?c and hopefully let it pass Click on Options Preferences Click on BitTorrent in the left column You should get a dialog similar to one below Bittorrent Preferences Dialog Box The one we are concerned about is Protocol Encryption Set the Outgoing to Enabled Click on Advanced on the left column If you did NOT patch your TCPIP sys to allow more concurrent half-open connections above SKIP this step CAdvanced Settings Dialog Box Change net max halfopen value to by selecting the line modifying the value at the bottom to and clicking Set NOTE It is normal for a asterisk to appear This is to indicate that the value has been changed from the default value From uTorrent version onwards a new UDP protocol named uTP was introduced which sends UDP packets as well as TCP packets The main bene ?t is that it provides a new avenue of bypassing ISP throttling limits resulting in what else SPEED At the same Advanced screen Change bt transp disposition value to by selecting the line modifying the value at the bottom to and clicking Set Click OK Stop all torrents red stop button on toolbar on top wait seconds and Start the torrent green play button on toolbar Now let's watch the speeds Hopefully the above changes will improve speeds Ultimately it depends on the number of seeders and peers with high upload rate Remember you must upload to enjoy good download rates but not so high that it a ?ects download speed Experiment Bonus Tip This part only applies for public torrents It is useless for private torrents as they speci ?cally prohibit sharing with other trackers The tip Look for more public tracker servers that have the ?le However this tip does not work for torrents that are private i e the DHT Tracker shows 'not allowed' for the torrent CBefore Only one tracker under Trackers After getting the same torrent from ISOHunt com a site that consolidates multiple trackers into one torrent ?le CMany tracker servers Needless to say the speed increased tenfold Now the question how do you ?nd more torrents of the same kind There are several ways via ISOHunt Torrentz and Google Here's how to make your search easier Highlight the row of the torrent by clicking on the torrent name Click on the General tab at the bottom of the window There should be a ?eld labeled Hash near to the bottom with a string of alphanumeric characters Right-click the value of this ?eld and click Copy CHash value of a torrent Now you have the hash value of your torrent With this hash you can perform searches to ?nd the exact torrent with additional trackers at most torrent sites There can be many
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- Publié le Jan 26, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 66kB