Guide to jlpt GuidePtroinotthcheieeJnUacpnyaitTneeedsstSe t-JLaLatPensTg uage CWhat is the Japanese-Language Pro ciency Test The largest Japanese- language test in the world The JLPT is a test for non-native speakers of Japanese which evaluates and certi

GuidePtroinotthcheieeJnUacpnyaitTneeedsstSe t-JLaLatPensTg uage CWhat is the Japanese-Language Pro ciency Test The largest Japanese- language test in the world The JLPT is a test for non-native speakers of Japanese which evaluates and certi es their Japanese-language pro ciency The test is simultaneously conducted once a year in the United States The JLPT began in While at the beginning just people applied to take the test in countries and areas worldwide by the number of examinees had risen to as many as in countries and areas around the world Currently it is the largest Japanese-language test in the world Cities where the JLPT was administered December test in Cities where the JLPT was administered Japan prefectures Korea cities cities in countries and areas around the world Number of examinees and cities where the JLPT was administered persons Number of examinees Number of cities where the JLPT was administered cities examinees cities year CServes a variety of purposes According to the Survey of Overseas Organizations Involved in Japanese- Language Education conducted by the Japan Foundation every three years the number of students studying Japanese outside of Japan grew from in to million in Along with the increase in students the number of JLPT examinees has increased Today people of various ages from elementary school students to working individuals take the JLPT In addition the JLPT is used not only to measure ability but also for a variety of purposes including employment screening and evaluation for pay raises and promotions as well as to recognize quali cations persons Number of Japanese-language students overseas year Source Survey of Overseas Organizations Involved in Japanese- Language Education the Japan Foundation provisional gures Breakdown of examinees Elementary-school student primary education Middle-school or high-school student secondary education University or graduate-school student higher education Student at other educational institution language school etc Employed company employee public servant educator self-employed etc Other No response Reasons for taking the JLPT Necessary for admission into university or graduate school in my own country Necessary for admission into university or graduate school in Japan Necessary for admission or as proof of pro ciency for other educational institution in my own country Necessary for admission or as proof of pro ciency for other educational institution in Japan Useful for my work or will be useful in obtaining employment securing salary increase or promotion in my own country Useful for my work or will be useful in obtaining employment securing salary increase or promotion in Japan To measure my own level of pro ciency for reasons other than listed above Other No response Respondents Overseas examinees taking the December test in valid samples N in cities in countries where the Japan Foundation administered the JLPT What is the Japanese-Language Pro ciency Test CCharacteristics of the New JLPT The new JLPT started in Over the course of the JLPT ? s nearly three decades of history the number of Japanese-language students has increased and their reasons for studying and using Japanese have become more diverse In December

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