Beyblade g rev G-Revolution by Serenitychan V Gain easy access to what you need in the faq by hitting CTRL F for ?nd and type in the code to let your browser quickly take you to that part of the guide Table of Contents CODE Description Version Update Lega

G-Revolution by Serenitychan V Gain easy access to what you need in the faq by hitting CTRL F for ?nd and type in the code to let your browser quickly take you to that part of the guide Table of Contents CODE Description Version Update Legal Information Author Info General Game Info - A Game Controls - B Battle Controls - C Battle Strategy - D Shop - E Leveling Strength - F Opponents Walkthrough - A Starting Up - B Skull Gang Forest - C Beyblade Championship - D BBA Revolution Beyblades Customize Questions Help Desk Credits Contact Version of Guide C v - Added some more Battling Info v - Information sent in added - Update Credits v - Added some info on knockout - Added random bits of info - Added Help Desk section v - Added more information to faq - Added reader submissions v - Fixed errors - Added reader submissions v - Added a few reader submissions - Fixed some errors V - Fixed a few errors - Ready for submission V - Walkthrough complete - Editing ?nal version V - Walkthrough complete v - Completed more beyblade information - Walkthrough done v - Started Walkthrough - Added Opponent Beyblade Sections v - Added General Game Info - Added Legal Information - Added Game and Battle Controls - Added Battle Strategy - Added Shop Info - Added Strength Section v - Started FAQ Legal Information This FAQ is copyright Serenity Hyuega - You may use it or print it out for personal or private use only If you want to put it on your site e-mail me for permission I will most likely say no XD For now anyway My e-mail contact details are at the bottom of this document The following sites are allowed to use my faq www gamefaqs com www noothersitesexceptgamefaqs com CIf I catch you stealing my faq I'll give you the KUMAGAROU BEAM Scary huh Info about me My name's Serenity and lover of anime and games rpg o o Sounds weird haha I'm Serenity and I'm an animaholic I don't really watch the beyblade anime I used to sometimes though but the channel that played it shut down Ahem The game really interests me a lot however so I decided to make a faq about it since no one else has put one up yet That's where I come in Huahuhaua If you haven't notice yet it's my ?rst one So please be kind I live in AUSTRALIA and ride kangaroos go bush bashing and say CRIKEY more than necessary That's what Americans like to believe anyway Ummmm my favorite anime would be Naruto at the moment 'cause it's awesome Once I talked to this guy who's like 'Oh I don't like any of the 'popular' anime's it means that they suck' He said that about Naruto and just about every anime I've ever liked and I amed the hell out of him with a bunch of other

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