Bibliographictools for classical studies pdf

Bibliographic Tools for Classical Studies I Major Indexes L ? Année philologique APh Marouzeau L Année philologique Bibliographie critique et analytique de l antiquité gréco ? latine Paris Société d édition ?Les belles lettres ? ? Classics G SML Starr Z A LC L Année philologique on the Internet Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique with the APA and Database of Classical Bibliography http www Année ? philologique com aph Marouzeau Jules Dix années de bibliographie classique Paris Les Belles Lettres vols SML Starr Z M LC Lambrino Scarlat Bibliographie de l antiquité classique ? Paris Les Belles Lettres vol only Classics G SML Stacks Z L LC Cousin Jean Bibliographie de la langue latine ? Paris Les Belles Lettres Classics G SML Stacks Xg c The most comprehensive index of classical studies published in an annual volume and as a searchable database online with a new interface as of the summer of Sometimes referred to as Marouzeau after its founder Jules Marozeau ? it is now an international project headquartered in Paris with o ?ces in the United States Germany Italy and Spain It covers both books and periodicals indexing individual contributions to Festschriften and other collective works as well as journal articles and book reviews Brief abstracts in French German Italian English or Spanish are provided for articles while citations of reviews are provide for books The language of the abstract is determined by the APh o ?ce that processed the publication not the language of the publication abstracted Works are classi ?ed according to a broad subject taxonomy The printed version contains some indexes that are not available online indexes of ancient names places and of post ? classical names other than authors Also some information indicated by the order of presentation in the print version are not replicated on the web for example the division of work on individual authors into editions and studies and similar further subdivision of other subject headings L Année is supplemented by Marouzeau s Dix années de bibliographie classique which covers the decade ? before the inception of L Année Lambrino s Bibliographie was intended to extend this coverage further back to where Klussman s Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorumceases see below ??début de la période la plus productive dans la domaine de l ? antiquité classique ? However only the ?rst volume dealing with ancient authors and texts and omitting many important bibliographic details was completed For the period Bursian s Jahresbericht also needs to be consulted see below Cousin s more narrowly focused Bibliographie largely CBibliographic Tools for Classical Philology duplicates the coverage of L Année and Dix Années but includes earlier material as well Gnomon Gnomon Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte klassiche Altertumwissenschaft Berlin ? Classics G and display shelves SML Stacks G and periodical room http www jstor org action showPublication journalCode gnomon Gnomon Online The Eichst? tt Information System for Classical Studies Katholischen Universit? t Eichst? tt ? Ingolstadt http www gnomon ku ? eichstaett de Gnomon en Gnomon

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