Bibliography 2023 03 28T092616 421
BIBLIOGRAPHY T Erben R Ban and M Casta? eda Teaching English language learners through technology London Routledge Arikunto Suharsimi Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik Jakarta PT Rineka Cipta Matthew B Miles A Michael Huberman Qualitative Data Analysis A Methods Sourcebook Los Angeles Sage Publication Nouri J The Flipped Classroom For Active E ?ective and Increased Learningespecially for low achievers London International Journal Technology High Education https doi org s - - -z Zainuddin Z Halili S H Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Di ?erent Fields of Study International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning doi irrodl v i Yavuz F Ozdemir S Flipped classroom approach in EFL context Some associated factors World Journal on Educational Technology Current Issues https doi org wjet v i Sarlito W S Pengantar Psikologi Umum Jakarta Rajawali Press Khubchandani Sonia Challenges of Teaching and Learning of English in the st Century India Kamla-Raj Doi - Pratama E Y Awaliyah Y Teacher ? s Strategies in Teaching in Teaching Speaking to Ypung Learners Bogor LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Doi English v i McDonough Jo Shaw Christoper Material and Method in ELT UK Backwell and Cambridge Press Sugiyono Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R D Bandung Alfabeta CMuliawan Jasa Ungguh Metodologi Penelitian dengan Studi Kasus Yogyakarta Penerbit Gava Media Riduwan Skala Pengukuran Variabel-Variabel Penelitian Bandung Alfabeta Reidsema C Kavanagh L Hadgraft L Smith N The Flipped Classroom Singapore Springer Berrett D How ? ipping ? the classroom can improve the traditional lecture Chronicle of Higher Education Retrieved from http chronicle com article HowFlippingthe-Classroom Anderson L W Krathwohl D R A Taxonomy for Learning Teaching and Assessing A Revision of Bloom ? s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Complete Edition New York Longman Gerlach Donald P Ely Teaching and Media A systematic Approach Second edition USA Englewood Cli ?s New Jersey Basal A The implementation of a ipped classroom in foreign language teaching Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education Johnson G B Student Perceptions of The Flipped Classroom Canada University of British Columbia http hdl handle net Bergmann J Sams A Flip Your Classroom Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day Washington DC International Society for Technology in Education Baker J W The Classroom Flip Using Web Course Management Tools to Become the Guide by the Side th international Conference on College Teaching and Learning Jacksonville Florida Community College Nunan David Research Methods in Language Learning Cambridge Cambridge University Press Nunan D Second Language Teaching And Learning USA Heinle Heinle Publishers CBrown H Douglas Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy nd Edition New York Addison Wesley Longman Inc Alqahtani M The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be Taught International Journal of Teaching and Education Harmer J How to Teach English The Practice of Language Teaching th Edition London Longman Group Ltd Hornby A S Guide to Patterns and Usage English st Edition Oxford University Oxford University Press Harris David P Testing English as a second
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- Publié le Jul 28, 2021
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- Langue French
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