Bibliography 2023 03 29T035733 040

Bibliography Aijmer G? ran ed Syncretism and the Commerce of Symbols G? teborg Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology ? Ake Jean Patrice ed Jean-M arc Éla et le libéralisme Paris L ? Harmattan ? Ake Jean Patrice ??Nietzsche et Jean-Marc Ela Critiques de la science ? In Jean-M arc Éla et le libéralisme edited by Jean Patrice Ake ? ?? Aleaz K P ??Pluralistic Inclusivism A Suggested Perspective in Theology of Religions ? Indian Theological Journal no ?? Allen William Francis Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools Part II A Short History of the Roman People Boston Ginn Company ? Allison Dale C Jr The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus Grand Rapids Eerdmans ? Anderson-Morshead A E M The History of the Universities ? Mission to Central Africa ?? th ed London O ?ce of the Universities ? Mission to Central Africa ? Antonio Edward P ??Hermeneutics of Inculturation ? In Inculturation and Postcolonial Discourse in African Theology edited by Edward Antonio ?? New York Peter Lang ? Appiah Anthony In My Father ? s House Africa in the Philosophy of Culture New York Oxford University Press ? Appiah Anthony and Amy Gutmann Color Conscious The Political Morality of Race Princeton Princeton University Press ? Apter Andrew ??Herskovits ? s Heritage Rethinking Syncretism in the African Diaspora ? In Syncretism in Religion A Reader edited by Anita Maria Leopold and Jeppe Sinding Jensen ?? Arrupe Pedro ?? ? On Inculturation ? Letter to the Whole Society of Jesus ? Acta Romana Societatis Iesu no ?? Asad Talal Genealogies of Religion Discipline and Reasons of Power in Christianity and Islam Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press ? Assmann Jan Moses the Egyptian The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism Cambridge MA Harvard University Press ? Au ?arth Christoph ??IV Greco-R oman Antiquity in ? Syncretism ? ? In Religion Past and Present edited by Hans Dieter Betz et al ?? Ayres Lewis ??Costan Lectures ? Lecture Virginia Theological Seminary Alexandria VA September ? Baader Frans Xavier ??Religious Authority the Principle of Social Organization ? Fraser ? s Magazine for Town and Country February ? Baird Robert ??Syncretism and the History of Religions ? In Syncretism in Religion A Reader edited by Anita Maria Leopold and Jeppe Sinding Jensen ?? Originally published in Journal of Religious Thought no ?? Baldwin James The Devil Finds Work An Essay New York Vintage International ? C ??Bibliography Ballard Bruce Understanding MacIntyre Lanham MD University Press of America ? Bantum Brian Redeeming Mulatto A Theology of Race and Christian Hybridity Waco TX Baylor University Press ? Baptist Edward The Half Has Never Been Told Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism New York Basic Books ? Barlow George A Homiletical Commentary on the Books of Kings London Richard D Dickenson ? Barth Karl Church Dogmatics Translated by G W Bromiley and Thomas F Torrance Edinburgh T T Clark ? Barth Karl Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century Its Background and History Translated by

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