Bibliography greek warfare

This is a partial list of resources dealing with ancient Greek warfare Abbreviations of periodicals generally follow L'Année philologique http www annee-philologique com aph ?les sigles fr pdf Pre ?xes such as ??van ? ??von ? and ??de ? in authors' names are generally ignored though there are certain exceptions where usage goes against this principle Names starting with ??Mc ? are ordered as though they were spelled ??Mac ? Mark Kindrachuk October COMPILATIONS OF ANCIENT SOURCES Austin M M ed The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation Cambridge Cambridge University Press Bagnall R S and P Derow edd The Hellenistic Period Historical Sources in Translation Oxford Blackwell Review by A Kerkelsager http bmcr brynmawr edu - - html Burstein S M ed The Hellenistic Age From the Battle of Ipsos to the Death of Kleopatra VII Cambridge Cambridge University Press Campbell B ed Greek and Roman Military Writers Selected Readings London Routledge Review by J Thorne http bmcr brynmawr edu - - html Heckel W and J C Yardley edd Alexander the Great Historical Texts in Translation Oxford Blackwell Review by J Lendering http bmcr brynmawr edu - - html K? chly H and W Rüstow edd Die griechische Kriegsschrifsteller Osnabrück Biblio Verlag Romm J ed Alexander the Great Selections from Arrian Diodorus Plutarch and Quintus Curtius Indianapolis Hackett Publishing Co Sage M M ed Warfare in Ancient Greece A Sourcebook London Routledge Review by D Hamel http bmcr brynmawr edu html SECONDARY SOURCES General works Topography Bronze Age and Homeric warfare Hoplite warfare Introduction and development of hoplite warfare Arms and armour Light troops and missile weapons Cavalry C Siege warfare and artillery Command intelligence and logistics Naval wafare Campaigns and battles The Persian Wars The fourth century General works Tactical innovation Mercenaries Siege warfare Naval warfare Campaigns and battles Macedonia General works Macedonian armies Arms and armour Siege wafare Naval warfare Campaigns and battles Hellenistic warfare General works Hellenistic armies Developments in strategy tactics and technology Naval warfare Campaigns and battles General works Adcock F E The Greek and Macedonian Art of War Berkeley University of California Press Balcer J M Sparda by the Bitter Sea Imperial Interaction in Western Anatolia Chico CA Scholars Press Beloch J Griechische Geschichte Berlin W de Gruyter Briant P tr P T Daniels From Cyrus to Alexander A History of the Persian Empire Winona Lake IN Eisenbrauns Brodersen K ??Heiliger Krieg und Heiliger Friede in der frühen griechischen Geschichte ? Gymnasium - Burckhardt L Milit? rgeschichte der Antike Munich C H Beck Review by P Baker http bmcr brynmawr edu - - html Burrer F and H Müller edd Kriegskosten und Kriegs ?nanzierung in der Antike Darmstadt Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Review by D Colling http bmcr brynmawr edu - - html Cameron G G ??The Persian Satrapies and Related Matters ? JNES - Cartledge P Sparta and Lakonia A Regional History - B C London Routledge ?? ?? ?? ?? The Spartans The

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