Bibliography ncert textbook chemistry part 2 wikipedia

BIBLIOGRAPHY NCERT Textbook Chemistry Part- Wikipedia ?? http nsdl niscair res in jspui NSDL ?? National Science Digital Library http www ext colostate edu Colostate State University www google com CERTIFICATE CThis is to certify that ??Abhik Roy ? of class XII has successfully completed the investigatory project on the topic ?? VITAMINS ? under the guidance of Deepshikha Mam Subject teacher during the year - in the partial ful ?llment of the chemistry practical examination conducted by CBSE SIGNATURE OF EXAMINER CACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to my teacher Deepshikha Mam who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ?? VITAMINS ? which also helped me in doing a lot of research and enhancing my knowledge about so many things Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in ?nalizing this project within the limited time frame CCONTENTS HISTORY WHAT ARE VITAMINS CHARACTERISTICS OF VITAMINS TYPES OF VITAMINS ? Fat soluble Vitamins ? Vitamin A ? Vitamin D ? Vitamin E ? Vitamin K ? Water soluble Vitamins ? Vitamin B complex o Vitamin B o Vitamin B o Vitamin B o Vitamin B o Vitamin B ? Vitamin C KEYWORDS Food sources Physiological role De ?ciency Recommended Daily Allowance Toxicity Therapeutic uses INDEX C CERTIFICATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AIM INTRODUCTION CONTENTS CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY C C

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