Bibliography critical studies 1

JONATHAN SWIFT ?? A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRITICAL STUDIES UPDATED JANUARY JONATHAN SWIFT A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRITICAL STUDIES IN THE EHRENPREIS CENTRE FOR SWIFT STUDIES MÜNSTER Arinstein Leonid M ??Recent Swift Scholarship in Russia ? The Scriblerian - Costello Lt Col Con ??Dean Swift ? s Locket for Stella ? Leinster Leader February p Doren Mark van ??Two Hundred Years of Gulliver ? The Nation March Hayes Richard I ed Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization First Supplement - I Persons Boston Massachusetts see p for Swift King William Some Remarks on The Tale of a Tub Swiftiana I New York and London Strachey Lytton ?? Jonathan Swift ? The Spectator February pp - Webb D A Catalogue of the Exhibition Held in the Library from October to November to Commemorate the Bicentenary of the Death of Jonathan Swift Dublin White James Swift and his Age A Tercentenary Exhibition - Dublin Williams Harold ??Rev Evelyn Hardy The Conjured Spirit Swift A Study in the Relationship of Swift Stella and Vanessa London ? The Listener March pp - Williams Harold ??Rev John Middleton Murry Jonathan Swift A Critical Biography London ? TLS April p A H ??Rev Arthur E Case Four Essays on ? Gulliver ? s Travels ? Princeton New Jersey ? Queen ? s Quarterly - Abad Gémino H A Formal Approach to Lyric Poetry Quezon City Philippines see pp - On a Curate ? s Complaint of Hard Duty and pp - for A Description of a City Shower Abádi Nagy Zoltán ??The Satirist as Projector A New Approach to Jonathan Swift ? Hungarian Studies in English - Abádi Nagy Zoltán Swift a szatirikus és a tervez? Satirist and Projector Budapest Abbott Charles David ??Bitterness and Saltness ? Virginia Quarterly Review - Abbott Charles An Essay on the Use and Abuse of Satire New York discusses Swiftian misanthropy Abbott John Lawrence and Geo ?rey J Finch ??A Checklist of the Correspondence of John and Mary Hawkesworth ? Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester - touches on Hawkesworth ? s edition of Swift Abbott John Lawrence ??Biographer and Editor of Jonathan Swift ? John Hawkesworth Eighteenth-Century Man of Letters Madison Wisconsin pp - Abernathy Peter L and Michael C Stone ??Swift Telemann and Gulliver ? s Travels ? EighteenthCentury Life - Abernethy P L ??The Identity of Hawthorne ? s Major Molineux ? American Transcendental Quarterly - Abrams Fred ??Swift ? s Concealed Double Signature ? American Notes and Queries - - Abrams M H eds et al The Norton Anthology of English Literature New York see I - for Swift C JONATHAN SWIFT ?? A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRITICAL STUDIES UPDATED JANUARY Abrash Merritt ??Is There Life after Immortality ? Death and the Serpent Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy eds Carl B Yoke and Donald K Hassler Westport Connecticut and London pp - Ackerley Chris ?? ? The Last Ditch ? Shades of Swift in Samuel Beckett ? s ? Fingal ? ? EighteenthCentury

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