Incantation in hausa culture an example of syntactic reduplication

CStudies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures No ISSN - Ha ?zu Miko Yakasai Bayero University Kano Nigeria Incantation in Hausa Culture An Example of Syntactic Reduplication Resumé L ? article porte sur la reduplication dans la langue haoussa suivant une approche pragmatique Il y est question de la reduplication de mots et de phrases dans les formules incantatoires magiques Du point de vue linguistique ce genre de reduplication est considéré comme un procédé syntactique Or les énoncés à caractère magique dans lesquels on a souvent recours à la reduplication ont un pouvoir performatif et doivent augmenter l'e ?ectivité des procédés visant p ex à se protéger contre les moustiques à rendre quelqu'un invisible ou à faciliter l'accouchement La répétition des mots et des phrases a généralement pour but d'augmenter l ? e ?ectivité de l ? action ou la rendre immédiate mais elle peut simplement exprimer l ? impatience L ? article contient des exemples d ? incantations en haoussa et en poular accompagnés d'indications sur les fonctions pragmatiques des reduplications Introduction Reduplication as universal phenomenon operates within lexical units and a clausal structure In a number of languages reduplication within lexical units is used to express or to build pluractional verbs augmentative and diminutive adjectives simple adjectives intensives of adverbs numbers among others This type of reduplication operates within a morpheme and it could be partial or complete as argued in Kiyomi Rubino Inkelas and Zoll among others On the other hand reduplication that operates outside the lexical units involves repetition of a clause or part of a clause as dis- Ccussed in Israeli Lindstr? m Maas Yakasai among others Most languages that exhibit reduplication within lexical units also undergo the clausal one The productivity of the former implies the productivity of the latter Hausa is a Chadic language of Afro-Asiatic phylum that productively uses reduplication within lexical units and in a clausal structure The morphological and semantic aspects of Hausa reduplicated forms became subject of many linguistic works such as Frajzyngier Pawlak Newman Schuh Al-Hassan Yakasai Gou ?é Auwal Yakasai a Yakasai b among others whereas pragmatic function of reduplication and its possible cultural context still need research This paper discusses incantation in Hausa culture as an example of reduplicative construction that uses clauses or phrases In Hausa culture there are number of ways or practices that indicate reduplicative construction within clausal or phrasal domain incantation is one of those cultural practices that expresses reduplication beyond one lexical unit and ?lls more than one syntactic slot The scope of this paper is to lay emphasis on syntactic reduplication occurring within a sentence clause or phrase In view of this the paper is divided into four main sections The ?rst section discusses nature and theoretical assumptions of syntactic reduplication The second section focuses on incantation in Hausa culture and its classi ?cation The third part presents incantation as an example of syntactic reduplication The fourth section examines the pragmatic senses of syntactic reduplication in relation to

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