Chant amp music BIBLIOGRAPHY ?? CHANT MUSIC GENERAL - GREGORIAN CHANT Apel Willi Gregorian Chant Bloomington Indiana University Press PDF Carroll Joseph Robert An Applied Course in Gregorian Chant The Church Musicians Bookshelf series II no Toledo Ohio Gr

BIBLIOGRAPHY ?? CHANT MUSIC GENERAL - GREGORIAN CHANT Apel Willi Gregorian Chant Bloomington Indiana University Press PDF Carroll Joseph Robert An Applied Course in Gregorian Chant The Church Musicians Bookshelf series II no Toledo Ohio Gregorian Institute of America PDF Hiley David Western Plainchant A Handbook Oxford Clarendon Press PDF Hughes Dom Anselm Early Medieval Music up to London Geo ?rey Cumberlege Oxford University Press PDF Lord Suzanne Music in the Middle Ages A Reference Guide Westport Connecticut Greenwood Press Ofterdinger Gail ??Colloquium on Transmission Problems in Medieval Chant Rutgers University - April ? The Journal of Musicology - PDF Rojo R P Casiano ??The Gregorian Antiphonary of Silos and the Spanish Melody of the Lamentations ? Speculum - PDF Saulnier Dom Daniel Gregorian Chant A Guide Translated by Edward Schaefer Church Music Association of America Translation of S A La Froidfontaine France PDF CHANT MUSIC AT CLUNY Dossiers d ? Archéologie no December-January Cluny ou la puissance des moines Histoire de l ? Abbaye et de son ordre - HC Vaubresson x Mercer x Ferreira M P ??La musique et la liturgie ? pp - Fassler Margot E ??The O ?ce of the Cantor in Early Western Monastic Rules and Customaries A Preliminary Investigation ? Early Music History - Ferreira Manuel Pedro ??Music at Cluny The Tradition of Gregorian Chant for the Proper of the Mass Melodic Variants and Microtonal Nuances ? PhD Dissertation Princeton PDF Gillingham Bryan Music in the Cluniac Ecclesia A Pilot Project Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen vol Musicological Studies vol Ottawa Institute of Mediaeval Music C Huglo Michel and Ferreira Manuel Pedro ??Cluniac Monks ? Entry in Oxford Music Online PDF Meyer Kathi ??The Eight Gregorian Modes on the Cluny Capitals ? The Art Bulletin - PDF Szanto David ??Cluny ? s Campaign on the Way to St James The Polyphony of the Aquitanian Sources and the Codex Calixtinus in Historical Context ? PhD Dissertation New England Conservatory Boston VARIA Bowles Edmund A ??The Organ in the Medieval Liturgical Service ? Revue belge de Musicologie Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap - - PDF Braun Joachim ??Musical Instruments in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts ? Early Music - PDF Grier James The Musical World of a Medieval Monk Adémar de Chabannes in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine Cambridge Cambridge University Press PDF C ?

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