Chap 6 bibliographies Citing Medicine Citing Medicine Chapter Bibliographies Created October A Entire Bibliographies ? Sample Citation and Introduction ? Citation Rules with Examples ? Examples B Parts of Bibliographies ? Sample Citation and Introduction

Citing Medicine Citing Medicine Chapter Bibliographies Created October A Entire Bibliographies ? Sample Citation and Introduction ? Citation Rules with Examples ? Examples B Parts of Bibliographies ? Sample Citation and Introduction ? Citation Rules with Examples ? Examples A Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Entire Bibliographies The general format for a reference to an entire bibliography including punctuation - with bibliography in the title without bibliography in the title Citing Medicine Citing Medicine CCiting Medicine Citing Medicine Page Examples of Citations to Entire Bibliographies Bibliographies are collections of references to the literature made for a speci ?c purpose such as to bring together references on a speci ?c subject or by a particular author Their citation format is identical to that of the standard book see Chapter for details with three exceptions ? Authors are termed compilers ? The content type bibliography is added after the title if the word is not part of the title This alerts the user that the publication is not a standard book ? Descriptive information such as the number of citations included the sources searched and the time period covered may be added as notes to help the user identify the scope of the publication The chief source for information about a bibliography is its title page The back of the title page called the verso or copyright page and the cover of the book are also sources of authoritative information References to bibliographies in print or in microform micro ?lm micro ?che are included in this chapter For references to bibliographies in electronic form see Chapter and Chapter Continue to Citation Rules with Examples for Entire Bibliographies Continue to Examples of Citations to Entire Bibliographies Citation Rules with Examples for Entire Bibliographies Components elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference An R after the component name means that it is required in the citation an O after the name means it is optional Author Editor R Author A ?liation O Title R Content Type O Type of Medium R Edition R Editor and other Secondary Authors O Place of Publication R Publisher R Date of Publication R Pagination O Physical Description O Series O Language R Notes O Author Editor for Bibliographies required General Rules for Author Editor ? Authors of bibliographies are called compilers ? List names in the order they appear in the text Bibliographies Citing Medicine Citing Medicine CCiting Medicine Citing Medicine ? Page ? Enter surname family or last name ?rst for each author editor ? Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear in the document cited on the assumption that the author approved the form used For example Van Der Horn or van der Horn De Wolf or de Wolf or DeWolf ? Convert given ?rst names and middle names to initials for a maximum of two initials following each surname ? Give all authors editors regardless of the number ? Separate author editor names from each other

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