Citation guide 1 Citation Guide A quick guide to citations in footnotes from the Chicago Manual of Style www chicagomanualofstyle org You can use either long citation or short citation the examples given below provide examples for both It is important tha
Citation Guide A quick guide to citations in footnotes from the Chicago Manual of Style www chicagomanualofstyle org You can use either long citation or short citation the examples given below provide examples for both It is important that you are consistent in your use of either short or long citations throughout your essay In either case you are required to cite the works used fully in the bibliography Note that page reference must be given for all quotations from and summaries of statements in books articles and other sources Book One author Wendy Doniger Splitting the Di ?erence Chicago University of Chicago Press Doniger Two authors Guy Cowlishaw and Robin Dunbar Primate Conservation Biology Chicago University of Chicago Press ?? Cowlishaw and Dunbar ?? Four or more authors Edward O Laumann et al The Social Organization of Sexuality Sexual Practices in the United States Chicago University of Chicago Press Laumann et al Editor translator or compiler instead of author Richmond Lattimore trans The Iliad of Homer Chicago University of Chicago Press ?? Lattimore ?? Editor translator or compiler in addition to author Yves Bonnefoy New and Selected Poems ed John Naughton and Anthony Rudolf Chicago University of Chicago Press Bonnefoy Chapter or other part of a book Andrew Wiese ? ??The House I Live In ? Race Class and African American Suburban Dreams in the Postwar United States ? in The New Suburban History ed Kevin M Kruse and Thomas J Sugrue Chicago University of Chicago Press ?? Wiese ?? Chapter of an edited volume originally published elsewhere as in primary sources Quintus Tullius Cicero ? Handbook on Canvassing for the Consulship ? in Rome Late Republic and Principate ed Walter Emil Kaegi Jr and Peter White vol of University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization ed John Boyer and Julius Kirshner Chicago University of Chicago Press Cicero Preface foreword introduction or similar part of a book James Rieger introduction to Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Chicago University of Chicago Press xx ??xxi Rieger xx ??xxi Book published electronically If a book is available in more than one format you should cite the version you consulted but you may also list the other formats as in the second example below If an access date is required by your publisher or discipline include it parenthetically at the end of the citation as in the ?rst example below CPhilip B Kurland and Ralph Lerner eds The Founders ? Constitution Chicago University of Chicago Press http press-pubs uchicago edu founders accessed June Kurland and Lerner Journal article Article in a print journal John Maynard Smith ? The Origin of Altruism ? Nature Smith Article in an online journal If an access date is required by your publisher or discipline include it parenthetically at the end of the citation as in the fourth example below Mark A Hlatky et al ??Quality-of-Life and Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women after Receiving Hormone Therapy Results from the Heart and Estrogen Progestin Replacement
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- Publié le Jui 02, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 30.2kB