Colour guide OUR COLOURS It is more powerful to show than to tell Colour is often the ?rst visual signi ?er of emotion Colour a universal human language Red means stop yellow means danger Colour speaks to the heart not the brain By giving emotions the abi

OUR COLOURS It is more powerful to show than to tell Colour is often the ?rst visual signi ?er of emotion Colour a universal human language Red means stop yellow means danger Colour speaks to the heart not the brain By giving emotions the ability to visualise themselves we provide recognition yet free them from stereotype We can see the true nature of human responses and gain insights into the most personal of places the human heart Universal Colours White Paper C M Y K ? ? ? Company Colours CE Universal Blue C M Y K a CE Green C M Y K dc CE blue C M Y K e af CE Pink C M Y K e CE Purple CE Yellow CE Red C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K fec e b Black Tints Black C M Y K f f f Black C M Y K d d d Black C M Y K d d c Black C M Y K e d c C

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