Command guide Epsilon Starter Guide INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Epsilon Command Guide This guide contains a list of the available commands and will serve as a knowledge base for new and returning players About This Manual ? Revision ? ? Date published th

Epsilon Starter Guide INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Epsilon Command Guide This guide contains a list of the available commands and will serve as a knowledge base for new and returning players About This Manual ? Revision ? ? Date published th September ? Date e ?ective th September Author Contributers Author Ross - Ross EpsilonRP Graphic Design Contribution Tiariana - Tia EpsilonRP Epsilon Starter Guide USEFUL RESOURCES ? Epsilon https epsilonwow net ? Epsilon Forums https forums epsilonwow net ? Epsilon Discord https discordapp com invite na vX W ? Server Changelogs https forums epsilonwow net forum -changelogs ? ? How to Connect https forums epsilonwow net topic -epsilon-connec- tion-guide ? TinyClient https mega nz TVNjnABC BVNiuL fp Rdw zGd ZLyDeyzUp Wd wrdWqvGBjss ? FAQ Support https forums epsilonwow net topic - -technical-support-megathread ? Patreon - If you ? d like to support us with our monthly server bills you can do so here https www patreon com azarchius Epsilon Starter Guide COMMON BONUS ITEM IDS Raid Finder - additem Shift-Click-Link Heroic - additem Shift-Click-Link Mythic - additem Shift-Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift- Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift-Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift-Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift-Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift-Click-Link Stage of - additem Shift-Click-Link Epsilon Starter Guide COMMAND INDEX Command Sub Command Nested Command Syntax Example Comment Add Item - Add an item or multiples of that item to your character ? s inventory additem or addi additem itemID shift-click-item-link itemcount bonusListIDs additem Battle-Worn Sword - Adds Battle- Worn Sword to inventory shift-click method addi - Adds Battle- Worn sword to inventory itemID Method Add Item Set - Adds all of the items contained inside of an item set ID to your character ? s inventory additemset or additems additemset itemSetID bonusListIDs additemset - Adds the entire normal version of the Felblade Armor set addi - Adds the entire heroic version of the Felblade Armor set Announce - Send a message to the global announcement channel Links to Main in Discord announce or ann announce MessageToBroadcast announce Hello World I am writing in announce chat ann Hello World I am writing in ann chat Appear - Teleport yourself to another player Other player must allow you to appear via toggle appear appear or app appear characterName appear Ross app Ross Aura - Apply the aura bu ? debu ? from a spell aura or au aura spellID shift-click-spell-link self aura Inky Blackness rank - Applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character aura - Also applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character Cast - Cast a spell at your target Triggered can be added to force the spell to cast cast or ca cast spellID shift-click-spell-link triggered self cast trig - Cast Fireball at your target If you don ? t have a target then you will hit yourself cast trig - Cast Crusader Strike Destination - Your target will cast spell at the XYZ coords Will not work on players cast destination

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