Counterintelligence awareness and security brief opening

Counterintelligence Awareness and Security Brief Student Guide CI Counterintelligence Awareness and Security Brief Introduction Opening Every day United States sensitive and classi ?ed technologies and information are targeted and stolen using various collection vectors As a result the United States ? technological lead competitive edge and strategic military advantage are at risk and our national security interests could be compromised Countering this threat requires knowledge of the threat and diligence on the part of all personnel charged with protecting classi ?ed information You play a role You must be vigilant Welcome to your initial or annual counterintelligence awareness and security brie ?ng Welcome I will be guiding you through this brie ?ng I ? m a Facility Security O ?cer or FSO for a cleared defense contractor I ? m responsible for the overall security of my facility You will also hear from a Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency or DCSA Counterintelligence Special Agent or CISA They will let us know how DCSA can help us and how we can help DCSA Finally we will also learn from a former agent of a foreign intelligence entity ??an FIE We ? ll only take about minutes of your time As we proceed through this course keep in mind that additional information is also available to you from the Course Resources page Let ? s get started Protecting Information and Technology Adversary Targets As members of the national industrial base both you and I have access to sensitive and classi ?ed information in the course of our daily work We are responsible for protecting that information We are also responsible for reporting any suspicious activity that may indicate a threat to the security of U S technology or systems Because of our access we are targets of adversaries seeking to gain information and technology We may be targeted for what we know and for what we have access to So what exactly should we be protecting Adversaries target assets in the form of people information equipment facilities and networks activities and operations and suppliers When targeting people adversaries employ a wide range of methods and may even look for exploitable weaknesses ??such as ?nancial problems drug and alcohol issues adultery and gambling problems When targeting information adversaries know that while a single piece of information ??classi ?ed or not ??may not be of critical importance alone when put CCounterintelligence Awareness and Security Brief Student Guide CI together with other pieces of information it may reveal sensitive or even classi ?ed information Because of this we must protect not only classi ?ed information but also sensitive unclassi ?ed information and proprietary information Loss of any of these directly a ?ects not only our companies ? economic viability but also a ?ects national security You can ?nd details on how to protect your information in the Resources Classi ?cation Levels Top Secret Top Secret information is information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the

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