Dk players guide The Dying Kingdoms Player ? s Guide April edition CCredits Writing Morgan Buck Adrianne Grady Jesse Heinig David Krieger Rob Telmar Development Jesse Heinig Editing Rachel Judd Additional Concepts and Material Randy Beat Adrianne Grady St
The Dying Kingdoms Player ? s Guide April edition CCredits Writing Morgan Buck Adrianne Grady Jesse Heinig David Krieger Rob Telmar Development Jesse Heinig Editing Rachel Judd Additional Concepts and Material Randy Beat Adrianne Grady Steve Gunson Charlie Hensley Mackenzie Jamieson Rachel Judd Charles Kelley Blake Mayer Sheldon Morley Robert Poteete John Wick Playtesters Trevor Casperson Steve Gunson Saul Keleman Hyrum Savage Annie Rush Rob Telmar John Wick Contents Credits Contents Chapter One Introduction to the Dying Kingdo ms Chapter Two C haracters Chapter Three Races Chapter Four Traits Chapter Five Skills Chapter Six Magic Chapter Seven Production Chapter Eight In uence Land and Warfare Chapter N ine The World of the Dying Kingdoms Chapter Ten Adventuring and Battle Dying Kingdoms Character Record CChapter One Introduction to the Dying Kingdoms Dying Kingdoms is a live-action fantasy game ??a game in which you take on the role of your character for a day or weekend of play and experience all the intrigues of a fantastical world In the guise of your character you ? ll encounter everything from sword ?ghts to spell battles as you live through the adventures The Dying Kingdoms are places of wonder in a world in decline Humanity spread civilization across the continent but this civilization has become debauched and corrupt The borders of culture contract with each passing year leaving barbarity and monsters in their wake Eventually the holdings of man will perish once more until a new civilization rises in some later age In the present of the Dying Kingdoms though it is an exciting time to live Many great discoveries have come and gone and the high culture of the many ancient civilizations still ourishes in some of the heartland cities Meanwhile on the borders adventurers and explorers have much to do both in defending the provinces that are left to their own devices and in daring the ruins and monsters that lurk just beyond the reach of the sovereign domains What to Do in Dying Kingdoms Players in the Dying Kingdoms game take on the roles of various characters in the setting Much like a participant in a theatrical production or a protagonist in a novel each character is a distinct ?ctional entity The player decides what motivates his character and how that character reacts to the world around him The Marshals and sta ? for the game conversely provide the backdrop the setting and the monsters and people that populate the world How to Participate in the Adventure Since the Dying Kingdoms game emulates the genre of low fantasy characters in the game are often scoundrels and cunning heroes Some may be magicians or adepts others may be mightily-thewed barbarians or clever rogues All of them live in a roughand-tumble world of con men villainous cultists wicked sorcerers and hideous monsters but there are also riches fame and heroic adventures to be had To best participate in a Dying Kingdoms game a character should emulate the feel of the heroes from a
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- Publié le Oct 12, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 534kB