Du chemin Introduction Between and the Parisian printer Nicholas Du Chemin issued a series of sixteen modest books of ? new songs ? anthologies of French secular music for four voices These books contain a repertory of nearly songs by over composers activ
Introduction Between and the Parisian printer Nicholas Du Chemin issued a series of sixteen modest books of ? new songs ? anthologies of French secular music for four voices These books contain a repertory of nearly songs by over composers active during the middle years of the sixteenth century Taken together the chansons and the books that preserve them can reveal much about the changing stylistic pro ?le of French secular music during this period and about the role of music printing in the formation of musical taste These introductory essays will explore a number of themes fundamental to the study of these books and the musical repertory they preserve What general observations can we make about the repertory printed here What musical or literary currents does it re ect and how are the demands of tradition or the appeal of novelty represented in these books What composers are represented among the various books of the chansons nouvelles series With what sorts of geographical centers or social worlds are they associated What editorial criteria are at work in the chansons nouvelles volumes and what do we know about the circumstances of their production What practical problems are presented by the printed texts with respect to notation of rhythm and pitch What traditions of written and unwritten accidentals do Du Chemin ? s books imply ?? ? and how should modern singers attempt to accommodate them in their performances Do the printed texts present any special problems of aligning words and music Du Chemin and Music Printing Prospective customers wandering into the Parisian printing workshop of Nicolas Du Chemin in the Rue St Jean de Latran during the spring of would have good reason to be impressed by the small but neatly printed music volumes in production For Du Chemin such books represented something of an unlikely triumph of commercial audacity Nicolas himself was a skilled typographer but no musician and only a few years before the prospect of entering the tightly-controlled world of music printing would have seemed an improbable venture During the early ? s Du Chemin established himself in Paris as a printer of religious medical philosophical and historical texts Among his publications for instance we know of an edition of the Latin Psalter with commentaries by the Italian theologian Marcantonio Flamino M Antonii Flamini in Librum Psalmorum brevis explanatio François Chappuys ? treatise on cures for the plague Sommaire de certains et vrays remedes contre la peste Polydore Vergil ? s Latin history of the world Polydore Vergil Historiographe a French translation ? Digital Duchemin Project ?? Richard Freedman ducheminintro indd Cof his De inventoribus rerum libri tres and many other works too Du Chemin continued this line of work even as he ventured into music printing For two decades music printing in Paris had been dominated by the ?rm of Pierre Attaingnant who in had been granted an exclusive privilege by King François Ier that protected what royal o ?cials called ??the merit of his labors
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- Publié le Aoû 16, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 94.8kB