Leader guide LEADER GUIDE The Wardrobe of Christ Introduction For the leader The Wardrobe of Christ is a discussion based study rather than leader based That may be good news for you What that means is that you ? re in no way required to be a teacher in o

LEADER GUIDE The Wardrobe of Christ Introduction For the leader The Wardrobe of Christ is a discussion based study rather than leader based That may be good news for you What that means is that you ? re in no way required to be a teacher in order to lead this Bible study Your responsibility as the leader is to facilitate ?? to make the other ladies in your group feel welcomed and valued and to keep the discussion owing Please don ? t feel like you have to stick to the questions in this leader guide They are simply there to guide you as you discuss the lessons each week Depending on how talkative your group is you may not need the questions at all and that ? s perfectly ?ne Doing Bible study with other ladies is one of my favorite things to do and one of the most important parts of my life Here ? s why Whether we say it out loud or not we ? re all desperately seeking community and there ? s no better place than a Bible study to create lasting community among friends As you go through this study use the time you have together to invest in building relationships with one another No matter how well acquainted you are with the members of your group before the study begins be intentional about pursuing each of them for the next six weeks Commit to praying for your group members and let them know each week that you ? re thinking of them Doing a Bible study together keeps us accountable to spending intentional time in the Word With so many di ?erent things vying for your attention and time sometimes it takes doing a Bible study with others to get us to pick up our Bibles I understand I ? ve been there Challenge your group members to put in the work for the next six weeks in order to complete each lesson This may mean that some may need to fast from something in their normal routine in order to make time for Bible study Do it You will be blessed more than you know if you do Fasting That means that you give up something for a time in order to focus your attention on the Lord What ? s competing most for your time TV shows Facebook Pinterest another hobby Are you willing to give that up for a time in order to make time for the Word And no ?? your answer can ? t be your husband and or children CBefore you begin here are a couple quick tips for leading a small group Pray Pray ?rst Pray when you ? re together Pray when you ? re apart Pray for each other God is listening Read through the questions before you meet with your group so that you know in advance what you ? ll be discussing together Comfort is key It ? s important

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