Negotiation fundamentals guide

Negotiation Fundamentals Guide a course companion with Lisa Gates CNegotiation Fundamentals CONTENTS Opening Questions page Researching your value page A little list making page homework page resources for researching your value page diagnostic questions cheat sheet page framing page -Step Process CheckList page Additional resources page Contents COPENING QUESTIONS Re ect on your negotiating experience and try to start noticing daily opportunities to negotiate Questions What have you been negotiating over and over with little or no success Who or what gets in your way What did you have the opportunity to negotiate today ? Did anyone ask you to do something for them ? Did you o ?er your help or services to another ? What did you reach into your wallet to pay for today Negotiation Fundamentals Opening Questions Cresearching your value Do you know what your market value is What are your services worth Do a little digging ? salary com ? Glassdoor com ? getraised com If you are an employee are you asking for raises and increased bene ?ts on a yearly basis If so list here Negotiation Fundamentals If you ? re an employee what projects did you contribute to that increased your employer ? s pro ?ts If you are an entrepreneur are you pricing your goods and services based upon what the market is willing to pay for them If you are an entrepreneur is the market you ? re now serving a market that can a ?ord to pay what your services are worth Researching Your Value CNegotiation Fundamentals A Little List Making Your values and priorities should inform your search for the right compensation so let ? s do a little hands-on work Research the market Price our goods services and salaries bene ?ts accordingly Begin to recognize opportunities to negotiate for time services and products Practice asking for what we want based on the value we bring to the table rather than what we need to make ends meet or what we think is fair It ? s critical to understand that getting your market value is not about just covering your expenses It ? s about taking your long-term priorities and goals in your life and work into account To get started let ? s make a few lists to get your money- making life on paper Use the table provided A Little List Making CNegotiation Fundamentals Make a list of the services you provide and or products you sell and indicate what you ? re currently charging for them Make a list of the bene ?ts your clients customers or employers derive from your work Based upon questions and make a list of all of the people and businesses that might use your services or buy your products focusing on the high-end Services provided Cost Bene ?ts People Businesses Categorize your work Using the National Wage Data web site see ??additional resources ? ?nd as many job or service categories that apply to your work and rank

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  • Publié le Aoû 10, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 61.2kB