Exam registration guide How to decide if your students are ready to take an exam CThis guide o ?ers practical advice and resources to help teachers decide if a student is ready to take a Cambridge English Quali ?cation From pretesting and sample papers to
How to decide if your students are ready to take an exam CThis guide o ?ers practical advice and resources to help teachers decide if a student is ready to take a Cambridge English Quali ?cation From pretesting and sample papers to tips on informing parents that their child is exam ready we have a range of useful information and revision resources available Deciding if your students are exam ready Here are a few ways to help decide whether your students are ready for their exams Sample papers Check if your students are ready to register for an exam with sample papers They can help to build your students' con ?dence by familiarising them with the exam format and also identify which areas a student needs more practice in For example if students need to improve their listening skills teachers can ?nd free listening resources on our website Most of our exams are available to take as either paper-based or computer-based exams and we have free sample tests for both As the formats of these exams are the same you can use both to help your students prepare no matter which type of exam they are taking Next steps Explore our full range of exam preparation materials including free Listening tests cambridgeenglish org exam- preparation If your students are taking A Key for Schools and levels above read our guide on how to convert sample test scores to the Cambridge English Scale cambridgeenglish org images -converting-practice-test- scores-to-cambridge-english-scale-scores pdf Look at our wide range of o ?cial support materials available for purchase that we have created with Cambridge University Press cambridge org gb cambridgeenglish o ?cial- exam-preparation-materials exam CAssessing speaking and writing Each Cambridge English Quali ?cation comes with a free Handbook for Teachers It includes useful information on the speaking and writing criteria for each exam Download the handbook to see writing tasks and Speaking test videos which include examiner marks and comments This will help to give you a better understanding of what is expected in the Speaking and Writing tests and helps you make a more informed decision on whether your students are ready to sit their exam Next steps Search and download our Handbooks for Teachers plus the speaking and writing criteria guides in our free resource ?nder cambridgeenglish org resources-for-teachers CEFR Pro ?cient user Cambridge English Key for Schools is a version of Cambridge English Key KET that is speci ?cally designed to motivate school-aged learners It shows a student has mastered the basics in English and is at Level A of the Common European Framework of Reference for C Languages CEFR published by the Council of Europe C Cambridge English Key is regulated by Ofqual the statutory regulatory authority for external quali ?cations in England and its counterparts in W wwawle soafqnudaPNl rgoeortvAh ue krnStIraerltaenrds foAr mMoroevinefrosrmanadtioAn sFeelyers C C Handbook for teachers For exams from Cambridge English B Language Assessment B Hills Road cambridgeenglish org CambridgeEnglishTV Cambridge keyforschools CB EU United Kingdom cambridgeenglish org
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- Publié le Mar 31, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 40.1kB